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Best of 2022

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The Story of the CIA
CIA agents make it their business to be intelligent. They may know more about you than you think. But what do you know about the CIA?
Speaker of the House
As the head of the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House is one of the most important roles in the United States government.
Amending the Constitution
The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times in its history, but what did they change, and how?
Congressional Whip
A Congressional Whip works with the party’s leadership in Congress to make sure everyone follows the agenda and votes together. They’re the muscle – the enforcer in a smart suit.
Oath of Office
Promises might just seem like words, but in the legal system and government, they’re crucial. Oath of Office is part of a tradition that dates back hundreds of years.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations is a fact-finding, crime-fighting national security machine. But how did it come about – and what do FBI agents actually do?
State of the Union Address
The annual State of the Union Address is the only speech that the President delivers in person to the public and all three branches of government at the same time.
Department of Justice
Established in 1870, the Department of Justice not only provides legal advice to the US government, it also ensures the fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
The top ranking officer of the US federal judiciary, the Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. But how did the role come into being and what are his or her roles and responsibilities?
President's Cabinet
The President’s Cabinet is made up of the most important people in the Executive Branch of government. But who are they and what are their roles?
Vice President
POTUS gets the big house, the fancy cars, and all the attention. But there’s someone in the background who deserves respect. Let’s give it up for the VP!
Executive Order
What actual powers does the President have? Well, as it turns out – a lot. Including the power to make new orders at the stroke of a pen.
What Makes The Awakening a Classic?
First published in 1899, Kate Chopin's The Awakening is the story of a daring young woman who defies social expectation. With themes of independence and freedom, the book provoked such outrage that it ended Chopin's career.
What Makes Great Expectations a Classic?
First published in 1861, Charles Dickens' Great Expectations is a novel about crime, guilt, and social aspiration.
Let’s Go To Iceland
Iceland is a country in the North Atlantic Sea. It’s known for gushing geysers, the Viking Thunder Clap and the Northern lights. Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To Spain
Spain is a country in Southwestern Europe. It’s famous for soccer, amazing architecture and food fighting festivals! Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To China
China is a country in East Asia. It’s known for martial arts, ancient palaces, like the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall of China. Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To Egypt
Egypt is a country in North East Africa. It’s known for its ancient pyramids, the River Nile and miles of sandy deserts. Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To Kenya
Kenya is a country in East Africa. It’s known for its wildlife safaris, Maasai warriors and world-beating long distance runners. Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To The Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos are a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean. They’re known for their natural beauty, unique flora and fauna, and as the place where English naturalist Charles Darwin first developed his theory of evolution.
Let’s Go To South Africa
South Africa is a country in the South of Africa. It’s famous for Table Mountain, beloved leaders, like Nelson Mandela, and safaris. Let’s find out more.
Let’s Go To Jamaica
Jamaica is the largest island in the Caribbean that’s famous as the birthplace of reggae music, spicy jerk chicken and one of the fastest athletes in history. Let’s find out more!
Let’s Go To India
India is the largest country in Southeast Asia that’s famous for its stunning architecture, Bollywood movies and super spicy food. Let’s find out more!
Let's Go to the UAE
The United Arab Emirates is a country in the Middle East that’s famous for its sandy deserts, super tall buildings and islands built into the sea. Let’s find out more!
The Presidential Veto
One of the most powerful tools the President of the United States has is the veto - but what is it and how has it evolved over time?
Secretary of State
The Secretary of State is one of the most powerful politicians in America – but where does their power come from and what are their roles and responsibilities?
The Secret Service
They’re the shadowy agents who keep the President safe – but what is the Secret Service and why was it formed?
What Makes Robin Hood a Classic?
Robin Hood first appeared in English folklore seven centuries ago. Traditionally the story of a violent outlaw who murdered without remorse, over the years the tale has morphed into the one we know and love today.
What Makes The Scarlet Letter a Classic?
First published in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is a novel that explores judgement, shame and redemption in 17th century Massachusetts.
Charity and Sylvia: A Federal Era Love Story
Sylvia Drake and Charity Bryant overcame many challenges to become pioneers of LGBTQ+ visibility in the United States.
Dolley Madison: The First First Lady
As the host of unrivaled skill, First Lady Dolley Madison brought the US political elite together by throwing the best parties Washington, D.C., had ever seen.
Changunak Antisarlook: The Reindeer Queen
She was known as the Reindeer Queen – and one of the richest women in Alaska. So how did Changunak Antisarlook use her remarkable wealth to benefit the Inupiat community?
Let's Go to Cuba
Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean and it’s famous for its beautiful sandy beaches, salsa dancing and lots of vintage cars. Let’s find out more!
What Makes Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde a Classic?
First published in 1886, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde struck fear into the heart of Victorian readers. A sinister story of a split personality, its psychological themes still resonate today.
Listen To All Sides
Children will analyze a dispute to identify the problem, listen to all sides, develop a solution, and then develop a broader set of “rules” based on listening to all sides. They demonstrate how to collaboratively create a Rules Poster that they vote on and illustrate.
Team Doodle
Children identify some objects or experiences as they might evolve in the future. They doodle the outlines of their ideas based on observation, exploration, and imagination. They contribute individually to a collaborative art presentation, where they invite the audience to join the doodle experience. Through this experience they gain skill in using the arts elements of line, shape, color, and pattern to demonstrate a forward-thinking growth mindset, express their curiosity, and develop collaboration skills.
A Mistake Is A Gift
When a mistake is made, it is a moment of decision: toss away what was started or find a creative way to revise what was being created. Children in this video use their handwriting mistakes as opportunities to design something different and create interesting illustrations and playful flaps/windows that get woven into and around the words they write. An "oops" provides the gift of taking a new path and using creative thinking, a skill that prepares children for the future.
Ways I Make A Difference
There are many ways that children’s individual actions make a difference and can address big concerns. In this video, the children choose the issue of water conservation. They explore uses for water and identify where there is waste. They use their observation/investigation tool to look closely for signs of the impact water has on the environment. Then they present their observations and recommendations for conserving water and gather others’ ideas.
Reflect on Today's Stories
Children will create a time capsules to store their original writing. The young authors will individually determine what genre they will use to write about an interesting or significant, timely event or experience. Then, in a future month or year, they will open the time capsules and reflect upon how their thoughts and feelings might have changed.
Improv Art
Children work in pairs to improvise spoken and sketched dialogue, using visual and verbal prompts to build the capacity they need to react quickly to situations, prepare for unexpected events and build future-ready skills.
Connect a Main Idea
Children learn a writing technique for organizing their ideas into an overarching main idea, which becomes foundational for pulling an entire story together. Working collaboratively, they write and sketch their interests on individual cards that they decorate as train cars. Collectively the group of children discusses which ideas could be combined with others and connected to create a main idea for their writing.
This or That? Make Choices
Children often take classes offered through community organizations or clubs. Sometimes they must make a choice between two desirable options, such as music and dance. Those decisions are based on how they envision their strengths or their dreams for their future. In this video, children make choices for the classes they’ll take at the Kids’ Club. Based on which class they take, an artifact is created that they share with friends when they demonstrate what they learned. After that presentation, they have an epiphany that the music and dance classes are truly connected and their artifacts can be used to enrich each other’s classes too!
Anna May Wong: The First Chinese-American Hollywood Star
Anna May Wong, Hollywood’s first Chinese-American leading lady, broke through racial barriers to change the face of cinema forever.
Same Plan, Different Results
A recipe or set of directions is a plan that someone follows to create something. Recipes are excellent for practicing reading and writing skills, following directions, and noticing patterns, sequences, and results that come from imaginative variations! This video shows how differences can occur, and why they might happen.
Consider Ways to Solve it
Big problems have more than one potential solution. Considering many possible solutions is a future ready skill. In this video, children learn that bees are disappearing. They conduct research to learn more about the situation and sketch different solutions.
Freeze the Past, Present, And Future
Children engage in story creation and visual storytelling through images, drama, and then freeze into tableaux, which are human statues. After they interpret and perform the other groups’ story, they will compare various teams’ interpretations to see if the performances were aligned with the artists’ intent. These experiences build children’s future ready skills of visual communication, dramatic self-expression, and team collaboration.
Fabric of the Future
An invention is the creation of something new, usually to solve a problem or improve circumstances. In this video, characters will explore how fabrics were used by ancient peoples for clothing, warmth, shelter, and protection. Then they’ll see how innovators have modified fabrics to make them better and imagine new sustainable fabrics for the future. Finally, they design and present clothing designs for the future using these innovative fabrics.
What Makes Emma a Classic?
Jane Austen's Emma is the story of a wealthy heiress who meddles relentlessly in the love lives of others, but has no interest in marriage herself. First published anonymously in 1815, the novel reveals the restricted role of women in the 19th century.
Forecasting the Future
The children in this video are challenged to forecast the future needs of their community to recommend features that will expand the reach and effectiveness of their current library into a futuristic Media Center. They demonstrate ways to conduct research, connect with community members and anticipate future needs. The children lead an exciting process for forecasting the future and designing a community learning hub.
Pieces of the Puzzle
Puzzles are favorite playful experiences for children, but beyond the fun and sense of accomplishment, they help children understand relationships between part and whole, and use evidence/clues to predict a whole visual scene. The process of creating and sharing puzzles demonstrated in this video can be used to help learners focus on any topic, category, or interest area.
Many Ways to Measure Success
How do you measure success? In this video, children explore Results Leadership by creating a pictorial rubric that enables self-reflections about their collaboration and contributions to a project. The concepts can be applied to any project and help children move up the learning ladder, from beginning novice to striving for mastery. Join them as they discover the power of self-assessment and visualization, finding important ways to communicate their success.
The Power of Art to Persuade
Children will explore Artivism as the blend of art and activism. After researching examples of how images shifted public opinion, the children create posters, banners, and signs that make their personal passions public. They use visuals and crisp text to convey messages.
Welcome Everyone
Harvest is usually a time of bounty, and often people give thanks and share. There are celebrations and festivals. In this video, children explore some consistent patterns and special unique features as they study various harvest celebrations, then use elements to create patterned welcoming decorations.
Storytellers Imagine The Future
Storytelling and artmaking are foundational skills for communicating ideas. In this video, the children imagine themselves as artists representing future settings and roles – dreaming of potential careers and their personal aspirations. Their art will visualize a future setting and a “grown-up” role. They realize that anyone who creates or responds to art is a storyteller. All it takes is imagination – a thinking skill that makes people future ready.
My Turn, Your Turn
Taking turns is part of childhood play. Being able to postpone immediate gratification and honor others’ desire to have a turn is essential to establishing social norms and being fair. This video introduces a concrete way for children to play with and learn from one another, practice taking turns, understand what self-regulation and group social regulation mean, as they participate in responsible decision making – all part of the CASEL framework.
Let's Go to the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a country in Northern Europe that’s famous for its beautiful windmills, stunning tulips and world-class artists. Let’s take a closer look!
We All Contribute
Children each contribute something to collectively drawn images. Moving around to a different drawing station to respond to each prompt, they learn to build upon others’ ideas and work together to make their art come alive.
Notice Change
Young children are experts at play. In this video, children begin their thought leadership challenge by identifying games and toys that children have played with for generations, and by noticing changes in the types of toys and materials they were made from.
Metaphors Say it Colorfully
Metaphoric thinking is personal and poetic. Metaphorical perspectives are important for writers as they explore ways to express themselves. In this video, children discover metaphors to describe their perceptions and feelings, in response to existing art, then they create an illustrated poem, based on their colorful metaphorical descriptions.
Go For Gold
This child-led video focuses on Results Leadership and demonstrates how young children can manage a process for building self-awareness and self-agency to set and accomplish goals. This example focuses on children setting swimming goals and measuring their progress, but as they realize, the ideas here pertain to every aspect of life and learning.
Convince Me
Convincing others includes starting by gathering information and then presenting what was discovered in compelling ways. This video focuses on using pictographs to present data that convinces decision makers to make a change.
Find Everyone's Strengths
Project-based learning requires teamwork. This collaboration requires planning. In this video, children create a tool to identify team members’ strengths, figure out what they want to learn from each other, and stretch themselves in new ways. The flexible tool they craft can work for any project. People leaders connect skills, interests, and assignments in ways that foster social and emotional learning.
Advocacy Avatars
Every person is unique with special qualities and needs that are not identical to any other. This video provides children with an opportunity to articulate their needs and strengths, using a third-person voice, their avatar. As children inspect their inner selves and articulate their feelings, attitudes, and special features, they find innovative ways to advocate for themselves and appreciate the person who lives inside.
Maria Tallchief: America's First Prima Ballerina
In a world dominated by mainly caucasian dancers, Native American Maria Tallchief overcame discrimination to become the United States’ first prima ballerina.
Harvey Milk: Leading the Way
Harvey Milk, America’s first openly gay elected official, was assassinated in 1978. His pioneering campaign for LGBTQ+ rights paved the way for more members of the community to serve in government.
The Secrets of the Zimmermann Telegram
The Zimmermann Telegram, a secret message from Germany to Mexico during the First World War, ended the United States’ neutrality and sealed the fate of the Central Powers.
Four Ways to be a Leader
Leadership Mindsets lead people to deeper self and social awareness and responsible decision-making. Leaders who focus on people, culture, results and innovative thought inspire positive change and work effectively with others. This video shows how children can focus on four ways they can be leaders and graphically document their leadership strengths with art.
The Unusual Presidency of William Taft
One-term Presidents are often overlooked – but what makes William Taft’s time in office memorable is the fact that it was defined by a series of unusual firsts.
Louis Brandeis: The First Jewish Supreme Court Justice
Louis Brandeis was the first Jewish associate justice to serve on the US Supreme Court. His appointment changed the legal landscape forever.
Emma Goldman: Radical Activist
Anarchist Emma Goldman, once named the most dangerous woman in America by the FBI, left behind a complicated legacy. But who was this young radical and what did she believe in?
Dorothy Bolden: Unionizing Domestic Workers
Civil rights activist Dorothy Bolden made it her mission to empower America’s working class. Her activism empowered domestic workers across the nation – and created noticeable change in the workplace for thousands of Black women.
John Adams: The President Who Defended the Redcoats
He was a fierce patriot and Founding Father – so why did John Adams defend British soldiers accused of murder following the Boston Massacre of 1770?
Edith Maude Eaton: Fostering Cultural Understanding Through Writing
In a time when Chinese immigrants in America faced discrimination in all walks of life – simply because of their race – author Edith Maude Eaton channeled the power of the pen to help make positive change.
Mary McLeod Bethune: Fighting for Equality in the Classroom and Beyond
Mary McLeod Bethune, an influential educator activist, recognized that going to school could be a form of activism. Her groundbreaking work helped change America for the better.
Pauli Murray: Breaking Barriers of Race and Gender
As a queer Black lawyer, poet and civil rights activist, Pauli Murray understood how our different identities can overlap to create multiple levels of discrimination. Her groundbreaking work in championing equality for all helped change America for the better.
Patsy Mink: Groundbreaking Congresswoman
What do you think of when you picture Title IX? Inequality has plagued America’s youth for generations. Patsy Mink, a then young Japanese-American, vowed to change the system forever.
Katherine Johnson: Trailblazing NASA Mathematician
At a time when American space exploration was dominated by men, mathematician Katherine Johnson broke through gender and racial barriers to help change our understanding of the cosmos forever.
What Makes A Christmas Carol a Classic?
Published in December 1843, Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol was an instant bestseller. A ghost story with emotional depth, it helped spark a Victorian love affair with the festive season.
Connect With Community Artists
Non-traditional artists enhance every community’s quality of life by meeting everyday needs while bringing rich cultural traditions to many art forms: bread-making, gardening, hairstyles, home décor, and head coverings, to name just a few. Let’s learn a little about how some of them make their art and how enjoying their artistry teaches us more about the cultural diversity and common needs in our community.
Courageous Conversations
Children use art as a way of learning how words and behaviors impact people. They create Courageous Conversation collages as springboards for dialogue that is important and difficult. Courageous conversations are the hard ones, the deep ones – the discussions about how we have been hurt by others’ words and actions.
The Arts Communicate
In every community, individuals and families pass down their cultural heritage through fables and folktales, the stories that are timeless. In this video, children discover that the arts provide every culture ways to creatively communicate universal values and their community’s specific traditions.
Visuals Show Results
Leadership Mindsets lead people to deeper self and social awareness and responsible decision-making. Leaders who focus on people, culture, results and innovative thought inspire positive change and work effectively with others. This video shows how children can focus on four ways they can be leaders and graphically document their leadership strengths with art.
Speak up For Adaptations
Children will use their people leadership skills to realize playground needs of those with a range of abilities. They plan adaptation for a city park to include the needs of all and present their plan to City Council decision makers. What adaptations can you imagine that would increase inclusion at a community park?
Flip Folk Tales
Folktales become springboards for exploring new and imagined adventures, as children explore the perspectives and assumptions from several characters’ point of view. In this video, viewers are encouraged to flip stories, by modifying them in ways that add humor or surprise, and help them consider alternative points of view.
Hear Many Points of View
Cultural leadership involves listening to many points of view and understanding the role that diverse backgrounds and cultural priorities have on people. In this video the children ask, “What does arts in education mean and why is it important?” They use an open mindset to hear about different preferences and see how cultural traditions help learners connect to ideas and each other.
Why Characters Act That Way
A key element of stories is how characters change from beginning to middle to end. In this video, children learn about how and why characters change by creating a 3-part story. They then dramatize the story using simple puppets made of three basic shapes and primary colors. These characters change the way they look and act, as a result of encountering one another. Join them to see what happens as they change and grow.
Picture Possibilities
As the population grows and land becomes increasingly valuable, for sale signs invite conversations about the possible uses of fields and farms. Decisions about land use impact communities for a long time, so visualizing the future is important. In this video, an orchard is for sale. The children consider possible future uses for this land, visualize three possibilities, and encourage viewers to come up with ideas of their own.
Architects of The Future
Architects must think flexibly about the changing needs of school structures and students. In this video the focus will be on designing accessible, inclusive space that fosters future ready skills and behaviors: observation, collaboration, and reflection. Join a group of kids on their creative characters where they plan and then build a 3D model of a future-ready school.
My Beautiful Brain
The concept of the brain taking in information and making decisions seems abstract for young children. Helping them realize what it is like to have limited sensory input makes them aware of the brain’s role in connecting what we see, touch, and hear with our understanding of self and others. In this video, the children create sensory muting equipment. They then experience and compare beautiful sounds, tactile objects, and images with and without muting their senses.
Little Bighorn: Custer's Last Stand
The Battle of Little Bighorn, or Custer’s Last Stand, was a famous victory for the Native Americans in defense of their land. What are we to make of alleged lone survivor Frank Finkel’s story?
The Harlem Cultural Festival: Soul Time
The 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival, also known as Black Woodstock, was a watershed moment for Black culture in America - that history almost forgot.
The Lavender Scare
The Cold War persecution known as the Lavender Scare barred members of the LGBTQ+ community from working for the federal government for decades.
Operation Paperclip
Operation Paperclip saw around 1,600 Nazi scientists recruited by U.S. intelligence to aid American innovation. As a result, none were ever held accountable for their crimes.
Helen Keller's Watch
Deafblind pioneer Helen Keller campaigned for a better America – with the help of a remarkable watch that she didn’t have to see to read.
Lunch Counter Stools
In 1960, four Black students staged a sit-in in Greensboro, North Carolina to protest against racial segregation in the United States. The stools they sat on are the most visited artifacts at the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.
The Untold Unbreakable Code
Native American Code Talkers used their own indigenous dialects to bamboozle enemy code breakers and help Allied forces to win two World Wars.
Dirty Thirties
The Dirty Thirties refers to the worst man-made ecological crisis in US history – when irresponsible farming habits, drought and storms led to "black blizzards" that took the lives of thousands and left many homeless.
What is NATO?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is a coalition of democratic capitalist countries from Europe and North America. It remains perhaps the single biggest deterrent against nuclear war today.
Tuskegee Airmen
The Tuskegee Airmen, otherwise known as the Red Tails, were the first all Black air squadron in U.S. history. Their bravery and skill during the Second World War is legendary.
Greenbrier Resort: The Secret Nuclear Bunker
The Greenbrier Bunker was constructed to protect Congress from nuclear annihilation. It’s one of America’s longest-kept secrets.
Exodus of Cuba's Children
Operation Pedro Pan saw more than 14,000 children escape Communist Cuba for a new life in the United States. But for many, their troubles were only just starting.
How Puerto Rico Became a U.S. Commonwealth
Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. and is governed by federal law but its people are unable to vote in Presidential elections. Why does this US Commonwealth remain stuck in constitutional limbo?
Judy Heumann: The Mother of ADA
Teacher Judy Heumann dedicated her life to fighting for disability rights and was one of the architects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), changing U.S. society forever.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Constructed after the First World War, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands as a memorial to all those U.S. service members whose remains were never identified.
Building the Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is a vital trade route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Its fascinating story goes back hundreds of years.
What Makes The Jungle Book a Classic?
The stories in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book are set deep in the Indian jungle, in a dangerous world without parents - and with few rules. First published as a collection in 1894, the book's themes of belonging and identity are still relevant today.
Communicate Through Gesture
Common gestures and formal sign language can be used to communicate kindness and support. In this activity, children draw some American Sign Language and common gestures that make people feel welcome. Their art reminds them and others of the ways gestures help people communicate.
Build Resilience
Everyone goes through difficult situations, but art can help you build the resilience you need to control your emotions and make smart decisions.
Emotions Alive Game
When we create and play games together, we learn about new things and each other. Let’s create an Emotions Game to learn how to listen and solve problems.
Everyday Unsung Heroes
Our communities are full of unsung heroes who work hard to keep things running smoothly. Let’s create a Gratitude Collage to learn about and celebrate their contributions.
Not What It Seems
When we meet someone new, we form a first impression of them. But art can help us to explore what’s underneath to learn who a person really is.
Change Creates New Possibilities
Change is an important part of life – it’s how we grow as people. Let’s create art that involves intentional and unintentional change and explore how it affects our plans.
Start with a Breath
Deep, slow breathing can calm children down. This video helps children focus on their breath to relax, stay calm, and get ready for what’s coming next. As children become aware of their breath, they begin to learn self-regulation techniques. Making art that shows their full bodies helps to deepen self-awareness.
Read Body Language
Learning how to read body language can help us to interact with the people around us. Let’s create body language brushstroke paintings and then bring them to life through tableau drama.
My Style And Your Style
Some children learn by moving, listening carefully, visually noticing details, using logic, and being aware of others. In this video, they articulate their strengths and notice those that they admire in others. They work in pairs to show ways they can work together by combining their individual styles.
The Way We See Things
Any event or circumstance can be experienced from more than one point of view. Children explore a storm (snow or rain) from indoors and outdoors to realize that what we see, hear, feel, and remember changes the way we see experiences.
Find Your Superpowers
Superheroes help others. Every child has superpowers when they are kind and help one another. In this video the children explore their personal superpowers of kindness and caring that can be used every day to help themselves and others.
My Busy Pace And Quiet Place
A child’s self-awareness of what helps them relax and regroup can be increased when they plan a quiet space where they can observe, connect with their inner thoughts, and reinvigorate their energy. In this video, children create a visual model that juxtaposes their busy pace and quiet spaces, with attention to the sounds, looks, and feeling of quiet spaces.
What Makes The Invisible Man a Classic?
First published as a novel in 1897, HG Wells' The Invisible Man is the story of a scientist corrupted by his own ambition. A gripping story of madness and immorality, its brutal conclusion still has the power to shock today.
What Makes The Odyssey a Classic?
Homer's The Odyssey is the ancient Greek tale of one man's epic journey home from war. Full of vengeful gods and deadly sea monsters, its influence can be seen in countless books, comics and movies today.
What Makes The War of the Worlds a Classic?
In H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds, a brutal alien army descends on Earth, intent on colonising the planet for its own ends. First published as a novel in 1898, the story tapped into fears that advances in technology would herald a new age of warfare.
What Makes The Secret Garden a Classic?
First published as a book in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden is a coming-of-age novel about the power of positive thinking and the importance of friendship.
Dolores Huerta: "Yes we can!"
The brains behind the political slogan “Yes we can!”, Mexican-American labor leader Dolores Huerta fought for the rights of immigrant workers in the 1960s.
What Makes Dracula a Classic?
First published in 1897, Bram Stoker's Dracula is the chilling tale of a bloodthirsty narcissist. Drawing on European folktales and gory accounts of a 15th century ruler, the novel reimagined the age-old vampire myth for a new generation.
What Makes A Doll's House a Classic?
Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House is a feminist drama that challenged social convention - and scandalised 19th century audiences. First performed in Denmark in 1879, its subversive themes still resonate today.
What Makes The Tempest a Classic?
Completed around 1611, The Tempest is thought to be the last play that William Shakespeare ever wrote. Set on an enchanted island, its themes of power and betrayal have captivated audiences for centuries.
What Makes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz a Classic?
Published at the dawn of the 20th Century, L Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was far from a traditional children's story. A feminist fairytale with a radical message, it struck a chord with readers across the United States.
What Makes Gulliver's Travels a Classic?
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels is the story of one man's adventures in fantastical lands. First published in 1726, it's a book that asks a timeless question: can a perfect society ever be achieved?
What Makes The Importance of Being Earnest a Classic?
Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest was first performed in February 1895, just weeks before Wilde's career was destroyed by scandal. With themes of deception and double meaning, it lampoons Victorian ideas of class and morality.
How to Make Strategic Decisions
Identifying key characteristics to become an assertive decision-maker and recognizing the steps required to make decisions more assertively is essential to succeed in business. This film explores what qualities you need to require to become a successful entrepreneur.
The Enslaved Chef Who Revolutionized American Cuisine
James Hemings was an enslaved man and the first American to learn classic French cuisine. He helped popularise many of the dishes you know and love today.
The Civil War Battle for Bread
When the women of Richmond, Virginia couldn’t afford to buy bread during the American Civil War, they incited the largest civil disturbance the Confederacy had ever seen.
What is the Carbon Cycle?
What is the carbon cycle and how are humans changing it?
The Donner Party’s Deadly Detour
Taking a shortcut in the unexplored American West was always a gamble – but for the Reed and Donner families it proved catastrophic.
How do Two Gases Diffuse?
The diffusion of molecules is crucial for life. So what affects the diffusion of molecules and what cause gases to diffuse at different speeds?
What are Distance-time and Speed-time Graphs?
How do Distance-time and Speed-time graphs work? This video explains.
What is a Dichotomous Key?
A dichotomous key is a tool for classifying organisms based on how similar they are to each other. It involves asking a series of questions, each with only two possible answers.
What Makes Moby Dick a Classic?
First published in 1851, Herman Melville's Moby Dick sold just a few thousand copies in its author's lifetime. A thrilling novel about man's obsessive quest to conquer nature, its environmental themes still resonate today.
Angel Island: America's Untold Immigration Story
When you think of America's immigration story, you think of Ellis Island New York... right? Think again, because over 2,500 miles away is Angel Island, where immigrants coming into the West Coast were processed for entry to the US, but it was an experience that was anything but welcoming.
What Makes Peter Pan a Classic?
First published as a book in 1911, JM Barrie's Peter Pan is the story of the boy who never grew up. Written at a time when society's attitudes to childhood were changing, it captured the fleeting magic of being young.
What Makes Silas Marner a Classic?
First published in 1860, but set decades earlier, George Eliot's Silas Marner took its first readers back to a pre-industrial world. A story that celebrates human connection, it explores how caring for a child changes one man's life forever.
How to Make Strategic Decisions
Identifying key characteristics to become an assertive decision-maker and recognizing the steps required to make decisions more assertively is essential to succeed in business. This film explores what qualities you need to require to become a successful entrepreneur.
How to Set Goals
To recognise the importance of setting goals in entrepreneurship and be able to set SMART goals that align with the overall entrepreneurial mission is essential for any successful business.
How to Recognize Opportunities
Entrepreneurs don’t see problems instead they recognize them as opportunities to solve the problem by creating a new business idea. We explore how, as an entrepreneur, you can see those opportunities in business and turn problems into success.
How to negotiate
Negotiation is part of our everyday lives. But it’s also a part of business. Entrepreneurs negotiate with all kinds of people and this film teaches some of those essential business skills.
How to lead and influence others
As an aspiring entrepreneur, choosing whether you want to become a leader, an influencer, or both is important. This film teaches the importance of leadership in entrepreneurship and analyze ways to assert influence on others.
How to take calculated risks
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to become comfortable with the concept of risk. We delve into growth mindsets and risk analysis to understand how risk is essential for a successful business.
Martha Moore Ballard: Diary of a Midwife
Written over 25 years, Martha Moore Ballard’s diary gives us a unique perspective into the midwifery profession, and the lives of women in the newly independent United States of America.
What Makes Oliver Twist a Classic?
Originally serialised in a magazine between 1837 and 1839, Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist had its first readers hooked. A gripping story full of charismatic characters, it also exposed society's unjust treatment of the poor.
What Makes Frankenstein a Classic?
First published anonymously in 1818, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was inspired by a nightmare. A chilling, gothic tale, it explores the dark side of scientific progress.
What Makes Sense and Sensibility a Classic?
First published in 1811, Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility is a funny, authentic portrait of two very different sisters. Still one of literature's best loved rom-coms, it was written when the novel as an art form was in its infancy.
Ellen Ochoa: The First Female Hispanic Astronaut
In 1993, Ellen Ochoa wrote her name in the stars – as the first Hispanic woman to enter orbit. She continues to inspire generations of aspiring astronauts today.
Frederick Douglass' Composite Nation
Abolitionist and social reformer Frederick Douglass believed that the U.S. could become the greatest nation in history – if it accepted the defining principles set out in his speech, Composite Nation.
When the Youth of Birmingham Changed History
In 1963, school children from Birmingham, Alabama skipped class to demonstrate for racial equality. Met with police violence, they helped to bring about significant change. The Birmingham Children's Crusade, as it was known, has gone down in history as a turning point in the fight for Civil Rights.
Remember the Alamo
The Battle of the Alamo has become the stuff of legend – when 200 brave Texan fighters took a stand against a Mexican force of thousands. But there’s more to the story than meets the eye.
María Ruiz de Burton: Chicano Activist Writer
Latina author María Ruiz de Burton raised the plight of Mexicans in America with two satirical and revealing books at a time when female authors were few and far between.
Marian Anderson: The Opera Singer Who Challenged Segregation
When Black singer Marian Anderson was barred from performing in Washington by the Daughters of the Revolution – her Lincoln Memorial performance made her an icon of the Civil Rights Movement.
David Pharaoh Asserts Indigenous Rights
Montaukett leader David Pharaoh fought for indigenous land rights – and established a lasting legacy as the founder of America’s first Montaukett school.
The Fire that Sparked a Workplace Revolution
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Tragedy took the lives of 146 workers – and exposed a shocking lack of workplace health and safety laws in New York State.
Thomas Garrett and the Underground Railroad
By day he worked as an iron merchant – but by night, Thomas Garrett helped thousands escape slavery as a station master on the Underground Railroad.
What is Active Immunity?
How active immunity happens in the body, via natural infection or vaccination.
What is Photosynthesis?
Plants are essential for life on Earth by utilising photosynthesis. What is it, and what does it produce?
What Experiments Measure Density?
Measuring density is helpful in all walks of life. How do we do it and what are the calculations?
Birth of the Lone Star State
Today, Texas is famous around the world as being the most American state of them all – but it once belonged to Mexico. For almost a decade, it was an independent republic.
What is the Principle of Moments?
What is a moment and what is its principles? This film explores how the principle of moments applies to a beam’s movement around a pivot.
What is a Converging Lens and How Does it Work?
This film explains how converging lenses work and their applications.
How Does the Greenhouse Effect Work?
Things are heating up. We explore how the greenhouse effect works, including causing global warming, climate change and consequent effects.
What is Paper Chromatography?
Paper chromatography is a way of identifying and separating compounds into different chemicals, based on how far each chemical travels up some filter paper dipped in solvent.
What Happens When Metal Reacts with an Acid or Water?
This film explores how metals react with water, acids and oxygen, in terms of the reactivity series.
How are Chemical Equations Balanced?
If you're studying chemistry, you need to know how to balance your equations. This short film will explore how it is achieved.
How Does the Earth Orbit the Sun?
We explore how day and night and the seasons are created by the Earth’s orbit, and of how the phases of the moon are created by the moon’s orbit around the Earth.
What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the breakdown of an aqueous or molten ionic compound when an electric current is passed through it. Easy? Well this film explores the process and makes it easier to understand.
What is an Acid-base Titration?
In a laboratory how do we carry out an acid-base titration? We investigate.
How are Objects Charged by Friction?
Friction charges objects by rubbing electrons from one object onto another, leaving one object positive and the other negative.
The Story of American Barbecue
Today, barbecue is a big part of American culture. But did you know that this staple of the great American menu is actually older than the United States itself?
How do Equilibrium Reactions Work?
We explore how equilibrium reactions work, with reference to reversibility and changing conditions of temperature, pressure or concentration.
What Tests Can Detect the Presence of Certain Gases?
How do we test for different gases? This short film shows how.
Castle Bravo: The Largest Nuclear Explosion in US History
In 1954, the US Government conducted a series of secret nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. The idyllic coral island Bikini Atoll became the epicentre of the largest nuclear test disaster in US history. The affects of radiation exposure and environmental destruction are still being felt by the Marshallese people today.
What are the Trends in the Periodic Table?
A short guide to the Periodic Table.
Josefa Segovia: The Only Mexican-American Woman Hanged in California
Was Josefa Segovia – the first and only woman hanged in the state of California – killed for her actions or her race? And what can we learn from her tragic story?
How is Iron Produced in a Furnace?
Have a blast in understanding how iron is produced in a furnace.
What are Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions?
Hot or cold! What are endothermic and exothermic reactions, and how they can be depicted in reaction pathway diagrams?
How is Ammonia Produced in the Haber Process?
What is the Haber Process and how does it work?
How Does the Digestive System Work?
What happens when you eat a burger? Where does it go and how does your body process it? This film helps you to digest the facts.
Lewis and Clark: the Making of an Expedition
Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery opened the American West up to expansion and settlement – but it all rested on the expert planning and preparation.
How Does the Urinary System Work
The kidneys are amazing as they filter blood to excrete urine. This film explores how this happens.
The First Allies of the Revolution
The United States’ first true allies, the Oneida Tribe helped the Patriots to win the American Revolutionary War – but at what cost?
What is Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of cell division. This film explores how mitosis and meiosis occur.
How Does the Circulatory System Work?
Your heart is alway pumping blood around your body. This short film doesn't miss a beat, and explains how the circulatory system works.
What are Xylem and Phloem?
An outline of the functions of the xylem and phloem.
What is the Human Fertilisation Process
It's all relative. How does the human fertilisation process work?
What is Natural Selection?
Natural selection is the gradual adaptation of a population to become more suited to its environment.
What is Echolocation/Sonar?
This film explores how echolocation/sonar works, in technology and in animals. This film explores how echolocation/sonar works, in technology and in animals. This film explores how echolocation/sonar works.....
What is Synaptic Transmission
Have you got the nerve to explore synaptic transmission?
Joseph Henry Douglass: Changing America With Music
Classical violinist Joseph Henry Douglass helped empower the Black community through music and education at a time when Southern lawmakers were pushing back against the progress of Reconstruction.
Wong Kim Ark's Fight for Birthright Citizenship
By taking on the US government and winning, Wong Kim Ark ensured that the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution granted citizenship to every American by birth, regardless of their race or ethnicity.
The Ships Beneath the Streets of San Francisco
San Francisco is famous for many things – but what you probably don’t know is that much of the city is made from ships that sank or were repurposed during the Gold Rush.
How are Relays Used in Circuits?
We explore how relays are used in circuits, how LDRs and thermistors could be used in such circuits, and how these components can be recognised.
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper's Pursuit of Absolute Equality
This film is about the most important events of Watkins Harper’s early life, highlighting her early achievements as a writer.
Teaching Ruby Bridges
In the 1960s, Black schoolgirl Ruby Bridges and White teacher Barbara Henry showed America the true power of racial integration in the classroom.
How to Recognize Opportunities
Entrepreneurs don’t see problems instead they recognize them as opportunities to solve the problem by creating a new business idea. We explore how, as an entrepreneur, you can see those opportunities in business and turn problems into success.
Victoria Woodhull: Fighting for Women's Rights
At a time when women were expected to know their place, activist and businessperson Victoria Woodhull blazed a trail as a fierce advocate for women's suffrage and empowerment.
How are Magnets Made?
This is an attractive film. How are magnets created manually or via an electric current.
How to Set Goals
To recognise the importance of setting goals in entrepreneurship and be able to set SMART goals that align with the overall entrepreneurial mission is essential for any successful business.
How to negotiate
Negotiation is part of our everyday lives. But it’s also a part of business. Entrepreneurs negotiate with all kinds of people and this film teaches some of those essential business skills.
What are the Properties of Waves?
A quick guide to the various properties of waves including reflection, refraction, and diffraction.
How to take calculated risks
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to become comfortable with the concept of risk. We delve into growth mindsets and risk analysis to understand how risk is essential for a successful business.
What is the Life Cycle of a Star?
This film explores the lifecycle of a star.
Sally Hemings: Surviving Slavery and Sexual Exploitation
Sally Hemings was an enslaved woman who had several children with Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Her story of agency and eventual emancipation remains an inspiration.
Lozen: Fearless Apache Warrior
At a time when Apache men and women followed specific gender roles, Lozen defied convention – to become one of the finest warriors in the tribe's history.
Polly Bemis: Chinese Immigrant Pioneer
Sold into slavery by her parents, Polly Bemis faced discrimination as a Chinese immigant in America – but became something of a pioneer of the West.
How Teddy Roosevelt Saved Football
It’s America’s national sport – but when football almost came to a crashing halt following the deaths of 19 players in 1905, US President Theodore Roosevelt made a decisive play.
How to lead and influence others
As an aspiring entrepreneur, choosing whether you want to become a leader, an influencer, or both is important. This film teaches the importance of leadership in entrepreneurship and analyze ways to assert influence on others.
Sacagawea: Intrepid Indigenous Explorer
Native American interpreter Sacagawea was the only woman on Lewis and Clark’s expedition into the West. She played a vital role, but was subsequently forgotten.
Shootout at the OK Corral
The shootout at the OK Corral is one of the most famous episodes in US history – but the true story is very different from the movies.
Thurgood Marshall: From School Suspension to Supreme Court
Thurgood Marshall, the most successful civil rights lawyer of all time and America’s first Supreme court Justice, was instrumental in the fight for equality in the United States.
How are Empirical and Molecular Formulas Calculated?
This film explains how to calculate empirical and molecular formulae.
What Forces Act Upon an Object?
What is the first law of motion? What forces can act upon an object. Whether you're walking, sitting, throwing or driving, forces affect us all.
How is Energy Conserved?
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be stored, or converted into other forms of energy.
Pandemic Lockdown of 1918
The Spanish Flu was one of the deadliest pandemics the world has ever seen – so how was one sleepy Colorado town able to escape unscathed?
How Does a Hydraulic System Work?
Take a break. Hydraulics help us in all areas of life. We explore how pressure is harnessed to stop a car and what the calculations are.
What is Convection in Liquid or Gas?
This film explores how convection works and how it is investigated in the lab.
How is Resistance Measured in a Wire?
Resistance lowers the current and the rate of electrons flowing through something. How does this happen in wires and how is it measured?
Animal War Heroes
Animals aren’t just cute – during times of war, they’ve proven to be immensely useful. Some have even been awarded with prestigious medals for helping to save lives.
How Does a Solenoid Work?
How does a solenoid work and what is its applications?
Horse-Riding Librarians
The Pack Horse Library Initiative saw hundreds of female librarians cross the Appalachian Mountains to deliver books to those in need.
How Does an Electric Motor Work?
We use then everyday, but how does an electric motor work?
How is Magnification Calculated?
From microscopes to cameras, how do we calculate magnification, and why is it important?
How do we Test for Biological Molecules?
Practical science is always enjoyable, so how can you test for 5 key biological substances?
What is an Enzyme?
Enzymes are essential for life, and understanding how they catalyze reactions in the body will book your understanding of how our bodies work.
The 442nd: The Most Decorated Regiment of the Second World War
Despite the racism they faced, the bravery and heroism of the Japanese American 442nd Regiment Combat Team made them one of the most decorated units in United States history.
The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe
Famous American author Edgar Allan Poe’s haunting death may have been a result of cooping, a violent form of voter fraud practiced in the 19th century.
What are the Methods to Measure Rate of Reaction?
How the rate of reaction can be measured, and assessment of potential apparatus.
Plague and Prejudice: The Black Death in California
As the world grapples with new pandemics, what can we learn from the US’s mixed response to the Bubonic Plague, which arrived in San Francisco in 1900?
What Factors Affect Reaction Rate?
What factors affecting rate of a reaction limited to temperature, concentration, pressure and surface area.
The Explosive Story of Dynamite Hill
When Black residents moved into one neighborhood in Birmingham, Alabama, White supremacists unleashed a wave of terror against the community.
How are Ionic and Covalent Bonds Formed?
Ionic and covalent bonds both involve the moving of electrons, allowing two atoms to each achieve complete outer shells. But how does this happen?
What is the Structure of the Atom?
Atoms are composed of a central nucleus, containing positively-charged protons and neutrally-charged neutrons. Smaller, negatively-charged electrons travel around the nucleus in layered orbits called shells.
How is Acid Rain Formed?
Acid rain is formed when nitrogen dioxide, or sulfur dioxide, both produced by burning fossil fuels, reacts with water in the atmosphere to produce rain with a pH value below 5.
Teddy Roosevelt: One of the Toughest Presidents
When you think of American tough guys, who springs to mind? Probably not the President. But two-term Commander-in-Chief Teddy Roosevelt was hard as nails.
Harriet Tubman: Civil War Spy
She’s known as a savior of the enslaved – but few know that during the American Civil War, Harriet Tubman was an exceptionally capable Union Army spy.
The Invisible Plight of Poor Southern Whites
For many poor White families in the Antebellum South, slavery did not pay – so why did the ruling elite erase their narrative from the history books?
Blazing a Trail for Women's Votes
We often think of the American West as a lawless, uncivilized place. But in the 19th century, it was ahead of its time – as the only part of America where women could vote.
How is Gas Exchanged During Respiration?
Take in a breath of fresh air as we investigate how gas exchange occurs at the alveolus.
John Wesley Powell: Wild West Explorer
Despite losing an arm in the US Civil War, John Wesley Powell was one of the great explorers of the American West, and made history as the man who mapped the Grand Canyon.
What is the Diffusion of Molecules?
The diffusion of molecules is crucial for life. We delve into the science of how diffusion occurs and what affects it.
The Secret Balloons that Bombed America
In 1944, Imperial Japan attacked the West Coast of America with hundreds of balloon bombs flown 6,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean. They took the lives of five Oregon school children and their teacher – and remain a threat to this day.
Stephen H Long: The Man Who Mapped the West
Stephen H. Long mapped much of the unexplored American West – but he made one big mistake that set Western migration back decades.
War on the Water: Civil War Navies
The American Civil War wasn’t just fought on land – it took place on rivers and seas too. But the contrast between Union and Confederate navies could not have been more stark.