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Goal 4: Quality Education
Fifteen year old Arianna explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Fifteen year old Katelyn explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Back to Work: The Civilian Conservation Corps
In the 1930s, hundreds of thousands of Americans were recruited across the United States to protect and preserve the country's forests, parks, and fields. The Civilian Conservation Corps, a voluntary work relief program, was way ahead of its time.
Adding to the Problem
Deforestation and the use of fossil fuels are not the only human activities causing climate change. Other aspects of modern life are adding to the problem by producing greenhouse gases, like methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. Let’s examine where they come from.
What is Fairtrade?
What is fairtrade? And how does it benefit our society? Let's find out.
Earthquakes or Hurricanes
The Earth has a lot of activity: both under the ground and in its atmosphere. This activity can lead to extreme weather conditions. Let's find out more.
Ancient Egypt
Find out what made the Ancient Egyptian civilisation one of the most interesting and vibrant civilisations in human history.
History Before Humans
History is the story of everything that has happened in the past. Let's journey back in time and take a look at what life was like before humans.
World Climate
Different parts of the world have different climates. Let’s look at what causes them.
Water is essential for life on Earth. Why is it so important and where does it come from? Let's find out.
Inspirational Women of the 20th Century
Let’s meet some of the many women who have left a lasting impression on the past century.
Planet Earth
Planet earth is where we live, the surface is covered in land and sea.
What Is Global Warming?
The temperature on earth is increasing due to human activity.
The Dawn Chorus
Birds sing as the day breaks for all sorts of different reasons, their songs together are called The Dawn Chorus
Weather in Other Countries
The weather in other countries and during other seasons can be very different but people in those places make the most of it.
Let's Go Fly a Kite
Making and flying your own kite can be lots of fun on a windy day, remember to ask an adult for help if you need it
Climate Change: Melting Ice and Rising Seas
Climate change is causing the ice at the North and South Poles to melt and sea levels to rise.
The European Union
How was the European Union formed and how does it benefit its members?
Everything you ever wanted to know about ice!
Invasive Species and Unwelcome Guests
Over millions of years, plants and animals have evolved to suit the environment or habitat in which they live.
Goal 13: Climate Action
Eleven year old Ninechca explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 15: Life on Land
Eleven year old Matthew explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 15: Life On Land
Fifteen year old Georgia explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Fifteen year old Anil explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 1: No Poverty
Eleven year old Faithful explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy for younger students
Goal 13: Climate Action
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action for younger students
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing for younger students
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water for younger students
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities for younger students
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth for younger students
Goal 15: Life on Land
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land for teenage students
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production for teenage students
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing for teenage students
Goal 1: No Poverty
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty for teenage students
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth for teenage students
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger for teenage students
Why Do Some People Have More Access to Technology Than Others?
Almost half the global population are online, but not everyone has equal access to technology. What has caused this digital divide, and what can we do to bridge it?
How Do People Stay Healthy All Over the World?
We all need certain things to stay healthy, however, definitions of health differ in other, cultural communities. How do you think culture impacts how people stay healthy?
How Are Policies and Regulations Impacting the Environment?
Government policies and regulations can positively and negatively impact the environment; on a local level and globally. How has government policy impacted the environment where you live?
Why Should Human Rights Be Universal?
Human rights are the fundamental things we have and do. Not even the government is allowed to take them away. However, did you know that wasn't always the case?
What Is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?
Equality is when everyone is treated the same, but not everyone is the same, which is why it's recommended we're treated equitably instead. Which seems fairer to you?
Why Is Peace So Difficult to Achieve?
Keeping the peace can be difficult, and resolving conflict is not always easy. What does it take to achieve peace between conflicted communities?
Why Do Countries Have Constitutions?
Constitutions are the rule books that safeguard our way of life. But why do countries use them, and how do they affect your life?
How Does Culture Change Over Time?
When new ideas and voices emerge, new ways of life evolve; such as democracy, activism and innovations in technology. However, how has culture changed over time?
Is Peace Possible?
In peacetime, countries coexist in harmony, but sometimes, nations go to war or our local communities enter into conflict. Is world peace possible? And if so, what is our role as global citizens to help achieve it?
Action Driven Learning
Let's explore action-driven learning, what it looks like in practice, and strategies to design and adapt action-driven learning experiences in every classroom.
Assessing and Giving Feedback
Effective assessment should go beyond grading or determining mastery, but it should give students agency and ownership of their learning. Find out ways to assess students in an action-driven classroom through strategies to design and implement in every classroom.
Building Relevance
It is vital to connect lessons to students' lives and passions, building relevance with their individual circumstances. Find out some strategies on how to make relevant connections for students in every classroom.
Differentiating for Diverse Learners
Everyone has a unique learning style that may be different to yours. Let's learn about what differentiation is and discover 3 differentiating strategies to use in the classroom.
Planning For Action
Establishing an action-driven classroom needs planning and collaboration between educators and students. Find out practical ways to plan for action in the classroom.
Adapting Resources
Learning resources might sometimes be inappropriate for a certain age, learning abilities, cultures, or grade levels. Rather than reinventing the wheel, consider adapting it to fit the needs of your students. Here are some practical advices on how to adapt resources to use in every classroom.
Class Stories
Telling stories plays an important role in helping educators connect and learn from other professionals, as well as peer-to-peer learning between students. Learn strategies to tell engaging stories in your classroom and empower students to do the same.
Media Literacy
The ability to critically evaluate the accuracy, transparency, and impartial nature of media sources has become a vital 21st-century skill. This video gives educators strategies on how to build media literacy in the classroom.
Using Data to Enhance Instruction
Data helps to inform teaching and address areas that may require reinforcement or intervention. Classroom data is much more than just test scores. Find out all the different types of data we can collect in the classroom and learn strategies on how to use data to enhance instruction.
Our Solar System
Blast off into space and learn more about our solar system.
The American Revolution
The American Revolution was a war between American Patriots and their British rulers. Find out how it began and how it resulted in the foundation of the United States of America.
Scary Topics
There are many controversial and 'scary' topics that some teachers may choose to avoid in order to minimize the risks. However, there are strategies that teachers can adopt to introduce and discuss these topics by making them more digestible and manageable in the classroom. Here are some practical ways to talk about scary, complicated or controversial topics in the classroom.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Fifteen year old Joshua explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger
The Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle is the process by which carbon is constantly absorbed, stored and recycled by living and non-living things, thereby maintaining the delicate balance that supports all life on Earth.
Fossil Fuels: Part One
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Coal fuelled the Industrial Revolution but also had a devastating impact on people and the natural environment. Let’s dig a little deeper into our use of coal.
Goal 1: No Poverty
Fifteen year old Christina explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 1: No Poverty
Carving a Pumpkin
Carving a pumpkin for Haloween takes, planning, skill and the right tools for the job
Filtering Water
Drinking clean water is important for health and wellbeing, it's sometimes necessary to use a filtration system to filter dirty water into clean
From Farm to Fork
We enjoy thousands of foods and flavours every day and almost all of them come from a farm. Learn more about the journey from farm to fork.
Journey with us to Norway, where we learn all about this amazing country.
Minding Our Planet
If no one bothered to care for our environment, our world would be a very different place. Let's look at some small changes that can make a big difference to our world.
Space Race
Who will be the first to send a human into space? Who will be the first to walk in space? And, most importantly, who will be the first to walk on the moon?
Landmarks and Places that Stand Out
Here are a selection of world-famous landmarks, natural and some man made.
Extreme Weather and Climate Change
Is the world slowly getting warmer and warmer? Climates are changing – and extreme weather is more common than you think!
North America
It is the third largest continent, after Asia and Africa. But how much do you know about North America?
Wired to Wireless – Morse Code
Today, the telephone has become central to our lives. It has changed the way we communicate. But where did it all begin?
Martin Luther King Junior
Let's take a look at Martin Luther King Junior’s tireless work in the peaceful fight for justice.
Musical Instruments
There are many different and amazing types of musical instruments which are suited to different types of music from classical to digital
Irish Charities
Irish charities do a lot of good work in the community with the homeless, elderly, animals, children and other people in need
The Human Lifecycle
The human lifecycle is from birth to death and covers everything in-between
Day and Night in Antarctica
Antarctica is a fascinating cold continent inhabited by seals, penguins and other wild life at the South Pole
All About Bees
Bees are yellow and black insects which have two wings and six legs who fly from flower to flower collecting pollen to make honey
Working at Dublin Airport
Dublin Airport is a busy place where lots of people work at different important jobs.
Making Land out of Water
How is land formed on water? Let's find out.
French Revolution
Let's take a trip back in time and learn all about the French revolution.
The Maori
The Māori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
Vasco Da Gama
Vasco da Gama was born in the 1460s in Sines on the south-west of Portugal. Find out all about his life and achievements.
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Eleven year old Julian explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for younger students
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production for younger students
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger for younger students
Goal 4: Quality Education
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education for teenage students
How Do You Appreciate a Culture That’s Not Your Own?
Cultural appropriation stems from a lack of understanding of how to effectively appreciate culture. However, in order to fully appreciate a culture that’s not your own, it’s worth digging a little deeper to understand where that culture comes from.
How Has Globalisation Impacted Our Communities?
Globalisation provides interdependence, culture, jobs, and equality. However, there is disagreement about whether or not this trend is a good thing or a bad thing.
Why Do Some Countries Use Energy and Resources Differently Than Others?
How we consume and dispose of energy and other resources is different depending on where we live. Why do people use resources differently all over the world?
What Are My Rights And Responsibilities?
A right is a privilege protected by law. A responsibility is something we should all do, but do our responsibilities as global citizens go deeper than that?
Why Should I Care About the Economy?
Economies affect all our lives; both positively with people having more money, and negatively when a country enters a recession. By learning more about your economy, you can help safeguard your own future.
How Can a Government Truly Represent All of Its People?
Today, trust in democracy is at an all-time low, the promises that leaders make aren’t always fulfilled. Through growing populations, lack of representation, and ineligibility to vote, how can a democracy represent every one of its citizens, going forward?
How Can You Use Technology to Become a More Active Global Citizen?
Today, the internet connects people all over the world instantly, but some people worry that technologies like the internet and TV are making us all more alike. How can we retain our individuality and help become better global citizens with technology?
How and Why Do Countries Share and Trade Resources?
The global community is built on trade. Countries exchange goods and resources with other countries who have what they need, but when nations trade, they also exchange ideas and build relationships. What would life be like if nations didn’t trade with each other?
Margaret Mead: Intercultural Knowledge
Mead brought the central insight of cultural anthropology. A master in her discipline – fearless and freethinking – let’s find out how her determination to help others understand, celebrate, and learn from other cultures, made humanity stronger.
Oprah Winfrey: Effective Communication
A captivating storyteller - how did this girl from Mississippi become the most powerful woman that America has known?
Classroom Manager
Classroom management is something that many educators struggle with as it requires tremendous amounts of planning to create a positive classroom culture. Find out some practical ways to establish consistent classroom norms and manage challenging behaviours on a day to day basis.
Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Fostering a positive and collaborative parent-teacher relationship is key to the education of students. Find out practical examples of how to effectively collaborate with parents and families.
Technology Integrator
Integrating technology into the classroom should be intentional, where educators critically examine available tools to match them with meaningful learning objectives. Find out ways you can integrate technology into your classroom in an effective way.
Facilitating Student-Led Conversation
We've all been there, we asked a question and not one student responds; so how can we empower our students to be the drivers of conversations? Find out practical ideas on how to facilitate a student-led discussion in an action-driven classroom.
Guiding Learning
Our job as a Teacher is to help students become independent, autonomous learners. Learn about the importance of guiding students' learning, rather than delivering knowledge, and provide some practical classroom tips.
Continually documenting classroom work and interactions should be an essential and integral part of a teacher's strategy. Find out ways on how to build the habit of making it part of day-to-day teaching.
Implicit Bias
Every person has their own implicit biases. These are the beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that are influenced by the world we interact with. Learn about practical strategies on how to check and prevent implicit bias, both for the teacher and students.
Adapting Non-Educational Tech For Education
Technology that is not designed or built for education can be creatively adapted for the classroom. Find out some strategies on how to adapt and use non-educational technology in the classroom.
Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are free, adaptable, and often editable teaching materials that can support teachers in planning for their lessons. Learn about the pros and cons of OERs whether you are new to using them or have plenty of experience already.
The Cycle of Natural Materials
You can buy many items at the store, like baseball bats and bicycles, but have you ever thought about how they're made? Baseball bats are carved from renewable wood, sourced from forests. Bicycles use strong steel, which is mined from the ground and can be recycled. Plastics, like water bottles, come from limited oil and gas resources. It's important to recycle to use these materials again, rather than wasting them.
The Lifecycle Of a Car
Cars are constructed from metal, sourced from rocks known as iron ore. Assembly lines, equipped with machines, piece them together. When cars age, they can be recycled, contributing to the creation of new items like new cars or bicycles, a sustainable method to repurpose valuable Earth materials.
Special Relationships
All living things adapt to their homes, developing special traits over millions of years. Some creatures team up for mutual benefits, like clownfish and sea anemones. Others, like cattle and egrets, have a one-way friendship, while predators like lions and pythons eat their prey. These varied relationships support life on Earth.
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy for teenage students
Amelia Earhart: Flexibility
Most famously known for being the First Woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, how did Amelia Earhart go from defying traditional gender roles - to defying gravity?
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities for teenage students
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality for teenage students
What is a Global Citizen?
How do YOU make the world a better place? Let's find out what it takes to be a Global Citizen!
Nelson Mandela: Respect for Difference
After being imprisoned for over 20 years, Nelson Mandela maintained his call for justice and equality. How did he become a symbol of positive change?
Farming: Past and Present
People have been farming for thousands of years, the process has changed a lot over the years
The Emergency Services
The Emergency services are the Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, The RNLI Lifeboat Service and The Ambulance Service.
Heatwaves caused by periods of extreme hot or dry weather are becoming more frequent across our planet. While some regions are able to cope with their devastating effects, others struggle to survive.
The Greenhouse Effect
Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, deflecting the fiercest of the Sun’s rays while retaining heat that would otherwise escape at night. This is known as the greenhouse effect and it’s a process that’s essential to life on Earth.
Fossil Fuels: Part Two
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Oil and gas are hydrocarbons that have helped fuel our modern way of living, but burning them has a devastating impact on the natural world.
Human Impact
By monitoring changes in C02 levels over thousands of years, scientists know that Earth’s temperature is rising. The biggest cause of global warming? Our reliance on harmful fossil fuels.
Staying Safe with Electricity
Understanding electricity and staying safe with it is important in the home, at school and in the workplace.
Feast and Festivals: Halloween
It's the spookiest holiday of the year and celebrated throughout the world, but how did it begin?
Life in Ancient Japan
Discover all about the first settlers in Japan and what life was like during this period.
The History of Agriculture
Who was responsible for the three F's of Farming and what impact did this have on agriculture?
Ancient Greece
Take a trip back in time to Ancient Greece and learn about life in Athens and Sparta.
Mapping World History
Maps can be a very interesting way of looking at history and the changes that happened over time. There are many reasons why these changes happen.
Our Place in Space
Travel through space and learn more about our solar system.
The World’s Seas & Oceans
Let's take a closer look at the world's seas and oceans.
Romulus and Remus
The story of Romulus and Remus is one of the most famous in Roman mythology.
Lighting a Paraffin Lamp
Lighting a paraffin lamp is an old fashioned way to bring some light into the darkness
The Sun in Space
The Sun is a star made of gas at the centre of our solar system
The rubbish that we throw away often makes its way into the sea – but by reducing, reusing and recycling our rubbish, we can help to protect all sorts of plant and animal life.
Sea Pollution
Plastics, chemicals and other waste is making it's way into our rivers and oceans causing pollution
The First Moon Landing
Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon but they didn't get there alone.
Moore Street
Moore Street is a historic and traditional market in Dublin
The History of Writing
Humans have been writing for thousands of years, the shape and method people used has changed many ways over the years
Making Bales
Making bales of hay is an important part of farming and it involves all sorts of interesting processes and machines
Catching a Flight at the Airport
The Airport is where people go to catch a flight on an aeroplane.
The Hot Air Balloon
Hot air balloons have a fascinating history and important place in the history of flight.
Learn all about Germany's capital, Berlin.
Every day, the surface of the Earth is worn away by natural forces such as the weather and waves.
World Heritage Sites
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) identifies landmarks or areas around the world that have cultural, historical or scientific significance. Here are a just a few.
Natural Disasters
Let's learn more about natural disasters and how they occur.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Eight year old Braylin explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Eleven year old Malina explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Ten year old Brailyn explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Eleven year old Farrah explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 13: Climate Action
Fifteen year old Arianna explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Fifteen year old Zabriel explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Fifteen year old Paris explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Fifteen year old Matthew explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure for younger students
Goal 4: Quality Education
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education for younger students
Goal 15: Life on Land
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land for younger students
Goal 1: No Poverty
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty for younger students
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities for younger students
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water for teenage students
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities for teenage students
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals for teenage students
Why Does It Matter Where I Spend My Money?
By the year 2020, Gen Z will be the largest generation of consumers ever. However, did you know that what you buy can impact local communities and countries all around the world?
What Is Life Like for Children All Over the World?
We all experience childhood differently - with different responsibilities, education and rites of passage. However, depending on where you are born, your upbringing might be vastly different than yours.
How Do People Heal, Reconcile and Rebuild After Armed Conflict?
There have been many conflicts throughout human history, however, peace doesn't happen overnight at the end of a war. What step is the most important towards reconciliation?
What’s the Difference Between Charity and Social Entrepreneurship?
Around the world, millions of people donate to causes every year. But have you ever thought about who benefits and who doesn’t benefit from those donations?
Why Are Some Countries Richer Than Others?
Developed countries are considered rich, whereas developing countries are thought of as poor. What defines the wealth of a country, and should wealth be defined purely by money?
How Does Our Land Shape Our Lives?
Land can bring us together, or separate communities and cultures geographically. How are you shaped by the land around you?
How Big Is the World?
You share the Earth with over 7.5 billion people, however, we each view the world's largeness as we develop within our family, communities, and nations. So, just how big is the world really?
How Are We Shaped by Our Culture?
When we’re born, everyone is a blank canvas, until we learn of a specific culture and begin to form our own cultural identity. What cultural traits or values have you learned?
Why Do People and Nations Go to War? When is War Justified?
Nations can go to war for just causes, such as invasion, retaliation or human rights violations. But if nations go to war without consulting other nations, that can be illegal too. Are there any circumstances in which you think war is justified?
Kofi Annan: Understanding of Global Issues
Kofi Annan learned from a very young age that together, we are stronger. But how did this Nobel Peace Prize winner leave behind a legacy that creates a better world for us all?
Malala Yousafzai: Critical Thinking
Captivated by female innovators, Malala stayed up into the night, imagining the world as fair and united. But how did she change it for the better?
Building A Professional Learning Network
There are many benefits to being part of a professional learning network, from sharing ideas and strategies to getting feedback and moral support from fellow teachers. Learn about strategies and tips on how to build a useful professional network.
Learning Experience Designer
When lesson planning, educators need to think backwards to design an effective learning experience. Explore key design principles and learn about the importance of flexibility and formative assessments when designing impactful learning experiences.
Cultivating Empathy
Empathy can be cultivated and is not just about being nice. It's about understanding other people's experiences, feelings, and perspectives. Learn some practical tips on how to design or adapt action-driven learning experiences that cultivate empathy.
Guiding Reflection
The sense of connection is crucial as global citizens take action to make the world a better place and it's reinforced through reflection. Explore how guiding students' reflection builds global competence and gives practical classroom examples.
Navigating Networks
As global citizens in the networking age, navigating and leveraging connections has become a key global competence. Discover practical tips on how to build your student's capabilities in navigating their networks.
Find out how promoting and supporting collaboration in classrooms helps to build students' global competencies. It also gives some practical ideas on how to do this effectively in the classroom.
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Let's find out how integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the curriculum gives students agency. It will also provide some practical tips on how to implement SDGs in the classroom.
Spread the Fire
Action-driven learning should also apply to teachers by sharing and showcasing different approaches to instructional practice. Building a collaborative network with other teachers can provide moral support and also inspire students. Find out ways to spread the fire and build an action-driven learning environment.
Community Commons
Commons are shared resources we rely on, like parks and libraries. Some require fees or rules, like fishing limits, while language is an unlimited common. Protecting commons is vital for communities.
The Greenhouse Effect
The Greenhouse Effect is Earth's natural temperature regulation system, consisting of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. It traps heat from the sun during the day and maintains warmth at night. Human activities, like burning fossil fuels, disrupt this balance, causing global warming and climate instability.
GDP vs Quality of Life Indicator
GDP per capita measures a country's money-making but it doesn't show the whole picture. Important factors like time with family, health, and clean air matter too. New indicators like GPI and HDI look at these factors for a better view of a country's progress. A high GDP can be good, but it doesn't guarantee a good quality of life for everyone or a healthy environment. We need to consider more than just money to understand a country's development.
Reversing Climate Change
Climate change is a big problem caused by global warming. Planting more trees can help because trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is a major cause of global warming. Trees also prevent soil erosion and provide wood but there are challenges to consider, like which trees to plant and how long it takes to make a difference. Even though it's not easy, we should still try to find solutions to fight climate change.
Problems vs Symptoms
Sometimes, it's hard to tell if something is a symptom or the real problem. Think of it like when you have a cold. Runny nose, fever, and headaches are symptoms, but the virus causing them is the real problem. Doctors treat the symptoms while your body fights the virus. In the same way, climate change shows signs like rising sea levels and more wildfires. But the real problem is global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. This effect is natural, but human activities release too many gases, like carbon dioxide, which traps extra heat on Earth. Scientists study these symptoms to find solutions, like a doctor treats a sick patient.
10 Facts About Italy
Here are 10 amazing facts about Italy that you may not know.
Planet Life
Planet Earth is home to a huge and diverse range of life
Day and Night
The movement of the earth spining around the sun creates day and night where you are
The Story of Rain
The water cycle is one of the important systems which affects everything on earth
People Who Travel to Help Others
Many different jobs involve travelling to help others, Healthcare Visitor, Veterinarian and Ambulance driver are some important ones
Types of Rocks
They might all look the same, but rocks are always. These changes happen slowly over millions of years. But why is that? And how are they formed?
What are three R's of recycling and why are they so important?
The Bronze Age
What was the Bronze Age and when did it begin? Let's find out.
Unusual Environments
Planet Earth is an amazing place. It’s home to lots of unusual environments. Let’s take a look!
Welcome to Brazil – the fifth biggest country in the world.
The Inca Civilisation
The Inca civilisation was one of largest civilisation in the world! But how much do you know about it?
La Belle France
Take a trip through France and learn all about this beautiful country.
Take a look at some examples of habitats that can be found around the world.
The History of Music Players
Recording and playing back music has changed in many interesting ways through the years
Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He lived an extraordinary life of danger, passion and advances in the field of aeronautics
Life in the Past : Baking in an Old Irish Kitchen
In times gone by people used to bake their bread on an open fire
Bees fly from flower to flower taking and dropping pollen as they go
Biodiversity is name for the variety of life on earth
Turf Cutting: Past and Present
People have been cutting peat for heating for many years and the process has changes a lot over the years
Farming Potatoes in the Past
Potato farming has been going on in Ireland for many years, in the past it was done by hand and now it is a mechanised process.
The Wright Brothers
The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilber were the first to fly a motor operated plane.
The Irish Coast Guard
The Coast Guard is responsible for maritime emergencies.
World War 1
How did World War 1 begin? Who were the Allies and what countries made up the Central Powers? Let's find out.
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Eleven year old Jaydon explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Eleven year old Wyatt explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Eleven year old Cayleigh explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Take Action for Quality Education (Ages 5 - 11)
Student explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Elevel year old Jaydon explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Fifteen year old Debbie explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 4: Quality Education
Eleven year old Kaydan explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals for younger students
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions for younger students
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for teenage students
Goal 13: Climate Action
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action for teenage students
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions for teenage students
Why Do People Move From Place to Place?
Some people move willingly to attend college or to start a new job, while others move unwillingly, to escape conflict. By learning why people move, we can learn the importance of making everyone feel equally welcome in their new homes.
News Literacy – How Does Bias Impact on How We See World Events?
It’s our responsibility as news consumers to report false stories when we see them. By improving our news literacy, we can make sure we're not being duped by fake news.
How Are Families Around the World the Same and Different?
Families come in all shapes and sizes and can mean different things to different people through cultural influence, different structures, and more.
How Do Natural Disasters Change a Community?
Natural disasters have always happened, but climate change is increasing their frequency and ferocity. What does that mean for communities affected around the world?
Why Do Some People Have More Power Than Others?
People get power in lots of different ways: some are born with it, some use their money to create power and others acquire power through their line of work. How can you use your power to make a positive impact?
What is Culture?
The visible aspects of culture are sometimes referred to as the Five Fs: food, fashion, festivals, flags, and faces - but, culture is also about what we value and believe in. What is your culture?
Frida Kahlo: Self-Awareness
In a time where women struggled to find their voice, Frida was becoming one of the most influential artists of the 20th Century. But how did Kahlo's vibrant art change the world?
Stephen Hawking: Curiosity
He changed how we see the universe and our place in it. But how did Stephen Hawking’s brilliant mind free him from his physical constraints?
Formative Assessment
Effective learning design should incorporate formative assessment as a tool to evaluate and measure learning. Learn about strategies in designing formative assessments and incorporating them into your classroom.
Bring the World to You
Teachers can use appropriate educational technology to connect with other classrooms around the world. This raises students' global awareness and stimulates their interests and engagement in learning. Discover some strategies on how to use technology to connect classrooms across schools, districts, and borders.
Set Up Your Space
Classroom spaces has to adapt to today's learners' needs. Setting up the space mindfully can create a positive classroom culture that encourages collaboration, creativity, and engagement. Here are a few ways to get the most out of classroom spaces.
Using Film to Document
Watching video is a useful way to enhance learning, but empowering students to document themselves using video is even more impactful. Here are some strategies on how to use video to document and reflect on what goes on in their classroom.
Classroom Commons
A commons is a shared space or item we all depend on and are responsible for. In a classroom, the sink, books, puzzles, and paints are examples of commons. These shared resources require care and consideration for everyone to benefit.
Healthy Systems
In nature, balance is crucial for living systems like forests, bodies, and predator-prey relationships. River systems also rely on balance, where input (rainfall) should match output. If not, it can lead to issues like flooding. Human actions, like deforestation and damming rivers, can disrupt this balance and affect the river's ability to support life. These natural limits help manage important resources and delicate ecosystems.
The Origin of Natural Materials
Natural materials like wood, water, and plastic don't vanish from Earth. Gravity is the force holding them here. Wood burning turns into carbon dioxide, which trees use to grow. Everything on Earth, including waste, stays in a cycle - it doesn't disappear, it changes form.
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem services are essential gifts from nature, including food, clean air, water, and more. These services benefit both humans and all life on Earth. For instance, bees' pollination aids food growth, while wetlands store carbon and purify water. Protecting nature safeguards these vital services for our well-being and survival.
Wind Turbines
Wind turbines convert wind into electricity
All About Electricity
Electricity can be a fantastic help but it can also be very dangerous
Our Solar System.
Our Solar System is the name for our sun and the planets in orbit around it.
Burning the Forests
Trees and forests are known as the lungs of the Earth – because they absorb and store carbon. But when they’re burned or cut down, the C02 they release contributes to global warming.
Our Carbon Culture
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Coal fuelled the Industrial Revolution but has also had a devastating impact on people and the natural environment. Let’s dig a little deeper into our use of coal.
Amazon River
Have you ever wondered how and where a river begins?
Modern transport allows people to travel all over the world. Take a look at some of the different ways in which you can travel.
Climate Change
Our planet is heating up and it is having an impact on climates all around the world. Let's take a look at some of the reasons for this.
What exactly is a volcano and where in Ireland can you find an extinct one?
Travel and Transport
Track the history of transport and travel from the invention of the wheel through to modern air travel.
Our ancestors predicted the weather by looking at the sky, and observing how animals behaved. Let's have a look at how things have changed since then, thanks to modern technology.
Trees and Forests
Did you know that trees are the oldest living things on planet Earth?
Outer Space
Have you ever looked at the sky at night and wondered, ‘Is there life on other planets?'
Changing Clothes
Take a look at fashion throughout the centuries.
A Visit to Mexico City
Mexico City is not your typical city. It’s time to explain.
Hedgehogs hibernate through the winter and wake again in springtime
The Story of Turf Long Ago
People in Ireland have been cutting turf and burning peat for a long time.
Climate Activists
Climate activists do all sorts of different activities to support the environment
Birds, Animals and Materials on Irish Beaches
There are many interesting kinds of birds, animals and materials on the beaches around Ireland
Natural Disasters.
Natural disasters happen in countries around the world all the time, global warming is causing these disasters to happen more often
The Human Landscape
Learn how our natural landscape has been modified by human activities.
Plate Tectonics
What are plate tectonics and how do they change the surface of the Earth? Let's find out!
Staple Food & Main Crops
The surface of the Earth is covered with different habitats that have been created by their climates and locations.
Travel to Japan and learn all about this incredible country.
Hidden People of Iceland
Learn all about elves, the hidden people of Iceland.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Eleven year old Farrah explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 5: Gender Equality.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Twelve year old Michael explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Fifteen year old Natasha explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Fifteen year old Niamh explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Fifteen year old Keri explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Fifteen year old Arianna explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Fifteen year old Elissa explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Elevel year old Anh explains how young people are taking action on Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality for younger students
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Short animation explaining UN Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure for teenage students
How Can We Use the Earth’s Resources Without Harming the Environment?
We can all make an impact in preserving the Earth's finite resources, through reducing waste, conserving water, and producing ethical, sustainable food. What other ways can we make sure there’s enough resources for everyone?
How Does the Environment Affect Our Health?
The environment can positively and negatively have an effect on our health. How does the environment affect your health?
What Do Global Citizens Need to Be Good at in Order to Make the World a Better Place?
We need global citizens. They take action to make the world a better place because they see the whole world as their home.
How Have We Shaped Our Land?
We all can make an impact on the land around us, through positive changes to agriculture, water, and preventing deforestation. What can you do to help fight against global warming?
What Makes a Great Global Leader?
Most global leaders share certain qualities - but their leadership styles, how they communicate and how they approach work are different depending on the challenges they face. Who are some of the global leaders you admire?
What’s It Like to Be a Combination of Different Cultures?
Certain things shape our cultural identity and impact the way in which we communicate with each other; such as location, nationality, and age. How would you define your combination of cultures?
How Do Nations Help Each Other in Times of Need?
Around the world, countries have pledged to donate 0.7% of their national income to foreign aid each year. Some people question whether that is enough, yet we know foreign aid can make a huge difference.
How Do People Make a Living All Over the World?
Cultures are changing all over the world, and so are the jobs that are available. There are jobs that only exist in certain places, and others that are being created thanks to the innovations of technology. But, how do people make a living around the world?
Dalai Lama: Empathy
The Dalai Lama is known as being the spiritual leader of Tibet. But how does this humble Buddhist monk advocate for love, empathy and compassion all around the world?
Wangarĩ Maathai: Global-Mindedness
Born into a culture where a woman’s place was in the home, Wangarĩ Maathai went onto celebrate a Nobel Peace Prize for her Holistic Approach to Sustainable Development. Let's find out how!
Promoting Student Agency
Discover what student agency is, and why it's important to building global competency in students.
Building Your Own Community of Practice
Communities are crucial in supporting teachers in their professional practice and wellbeing. It enables teachers to receive constructive feedback, peer-learning opportunities, and fostering positive relationships with the wider community. Here are some strategies to help build your own community of practice.
Teacher Reflection
We expect students to self-reflect so as educators, we should model that process. Find out some strategies on how to build reflection into classes and the wider school community.
Resilience in Personal Use of Tech
Using technology in the classroom can be intimidating and overwhelming, but when done correctly, it can amplify learning outcomes. As with any technology, things can go wrong but it is important to learn ways to build resilience around the use of technology.
Visual Literacy
The ability to critically process and interpret images in an ever-increasingly visual society should be a top priority 21st-century education. Learn about the importance of visual literacy and develop strategies to bring visual literacy into the classroom.
The Web of Life
The Earth supplies the essentials for human, animal, and plant life. We breathe air, which is made of different gases, including oxygen. Plants release oxygen, and we give them carbon dioxide. Water, rain, and healthy soil help plants grow. It's vital to care for our environment since we all rely on each other.
Our Oceans
The ocean covers 71% of Earth's surface and is crucial to our planet's health. It provides oxygen, food, jobs, and fun activities. However, overfishing, pollution, and natural disasters harm it. We must take care of the ocean to keep enjoying its benefits.
Nature offers valuable lessons through biomimicry. Scientists and engineers study how animals and plants function, then mimic their smart designs to solve problems. For instance, velcro was inspired by burrs, and the Kingfisher's beak shape improved the Japanese bullet train. Even wind turbine blades imitate a humpback whale's fin for efficiency. Nature holds endless wisdom if we observe closely.
History of Air Travel
Let’s take a flight through aviation history.
Growing a Seed
Planting seeds and watching them grow is a facinating way to understand the world around us
Where You Live: Ireland
Irealnd is a beautiful country with many amzing sights, situated on the western most edge of Europe
Warming Oceans
Since the 1970s, our oceans have absorbed 90% of the excess heat produced by CO2 emissions. As our oceans get hotter, and sea levels continue to rise, our world is sure to look very different in the future.