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Sitting Bull
This is a timeline of events in the life of Sitting Bull, from 1831 to 1890. A Sioux warrior chief and holy man, Sitting Bull fought to protect his tribe's land from being taken by the U.S. government and is remembered as one of the greatest Native American warriors in history.
The Voyage of RMS Titanic
This is a timeline of the tragic events of the RMS Titanic's maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York in April 1912. Its fateful collision with an iceberg led to the loss of more than 1,500 lives.
Mahatma Gandhi
This is a timeline of events in the life of Mahatma Gandhi from his birth in 1869 to his death in 1948. A leader of the Indian independence movement, Gandhi was a revolutionary who inspired non-violent resistance to British colonial rule.
The Storming of the Bastille
This is a timeline of the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris during a summer of unrest in France in July 1789 - and how the events that followed led to revolution and the end of an era.
Charles Darwin
This is a timeline of the events in the life and work of English naturalist Charles Darwin, from 1831 to 1882. Darwin's study of the natural world showed how life developed through evolution. His book 'On the Origin of Species' would prove to be one of the most influential scientific works in history.
The Scientific Revolution
This is a timeline of the Scientific Revolution, a period of great scientific advancement in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Marked by a rejection of traditional ideas and a questioning of religious beliefs, it led to a new approach to experimentation and significant breakthroughs in fields like biology, astronomy, and physics.
William Shakespeare
This is a timeline of the life of William Shakespeare, the Elizabethan playwright, poet, and actor. He is considered to be the greatest writer in the English language and wrote around 37 plays and 154 poems during his lifetime, many of which have become literary classics and have shaped the way we use the English language today.
The Cold War
This is a timeline of events in the history of the Cold War, from 1945 to 1991. The Cold War was a period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after the end of World War II, as they tried to prevent each other from gaining too much power, with the threat of nuclear weapons looming.
This is a timeline about the life of Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan tribe, who played a crucial role in the relationship between the Native Americans and the English settlers in 17th century Virginia.
Exploring the World
This is a timeline of the events in the history of the Age of Exploration from the early 1400s to 1521. During the 15th and 16th centuries, European explorers set sail to discover new lands, great riches and exotic goods, leading to the discovery of trade routes across the world and the first circumnavigation of the globe.
The Mongol Empire
This is a timeline of the Mongol Empire. Founded by the invincible Genghis Khan, it was the largest land empire in history, spanning across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Genghis Khan led his army of horsemen to many victories, ultimately uniting the nomadic tribes to form the Mongol Empire, and later conquering China to establish the Yuan Dynasty.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
This is a timeline depicting the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis as they unfolded from 1952 to 1963. When the Soviets installed nuclear missiles on the Caribbean island of Cuba in 1692, a diplomatic standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union began. Tensions rose and the world watched as nuclear war loomed. A deal was finally struck on October 28th, 1962 to end the crisis.
The Birth of the United States
This is a timeline of the American Revolution, depicting events from the first sparks of revolt in 1770, to the first presidency in 1789. This was a period of intense conflict between the colonists of the Thirteen Colonies, and their British rulers, which ultimately led to the creation of a new nation: the United States of America.
Empires of the Americas
This is a timeline of the history of the Empires of the Americas, from 3100 BCE to the fall of the last standing empires in the 16th century.
Ancient Egypt
This is a timeline of the history of Ancient Egypt, from 4500 BCE - 30 BCE. The nation was governed by a king called a Pharaoh, believed to represent the gods on Earth. The civilisation lasted for thousands of years and left behind the Great Pyramids which can still be seen in Egypt today.
This timeline takes us on a whistle-stop journey of life on our planet. We travel from the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, to the time of the dinosaurs - and on to the evolution of the first humans and the creation of the first written records, around 5000 years ago. It's a time known as prehistory.
Ancient Indian Empires
This is a timeline of the rise and fall of great empires in the Indian subcontinent, from 321 BCE to 499 CE. These empires saw the spread of Buddhism, the growth of Hinduism, the flourishing of art and literature, and significant mathematical and astronomical advancements.
The Age of Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs roamed on Earth for around 165 million years and existed for around three distinct periods. A catastrophic event 66 million years ago, which wiped out more than half of life on Earth, including the dinosaurs, is believed to be caused by meteorites crashing into Earth.
This is a timeline of the life of Queen Cleopatra, the last ruling Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She is remembered for her strategic alliances with powerful generals of the Roman Empire.
Rosa Parks
This is a timeline of the life of Rosa Parks, a woman who made history with a single act of courage, when she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in 1955, a time when the U.S. was racially segregated. Her bravery inspired tens of thousands of African Americans to protest by refusing to take the city’s buses in Montgomery, Alabama.
Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
This is a timeline of the history of the ancient kingdoms of Southeast Asia, from 207 BCE to 1511. At a crossroads of trade and culture, powerful kingdoms began to emerge in the region. The kingdoms were heavily influenced by religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and later Islam.
Early Islamic Empires
This is a timeline of the history of the Early Islamic Empires over six centuries, from the year 634 to 1258. New Islamic empires spread from Arabia through Central Asia, North Africa, and Spain, bringing with them the Muslim religion, and advancement in scientific and medical innovation.
Vincent van Gogh
This is a timeline of events in the life of Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, from 1853 - 1890. Known for his vivid and unique oil paintings, Vincent van Gogh found it hard to make a living from his art and struggled with his mental health during his lifetime.
Early North America
This is a timeline of the history of the first people to arrive in North America in around 25,000 BCE and how their civilisations developed over thousands of years.
This is a timeline of the history of Mesopotamia from 6000 BCE to 539 BCE. Described as the cradle of civilization, the Mesopotamians invented organised religion, royalty, armies and law.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
This is a timeline of the life of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from 1756 to 1791. One of the most celebrated and influential composers in the history of music, Mozart began his musical journey as a young child. Despite his untimely death at the age of 35, he left behind a legacy of over 600 compositions, including some of the most renowned works in Classical music.
Joan of Arc
This is a timeline of events in the life of Joan of Arc, from 1412 to 1431. A deeply religious women, she believed God wanted her to lead the French army against the English during the Hundred Years' War. She was burned at the stake for heresy and witchcraft.
This is a timeline of the history of the Renaissance, from 1305 to 1543. The Renaissance was a period of cultural, artistic and scientific "rebirth" in 14th century northern Italy, which saw the emergence of new and innovative art, literature, and scientific discoveries that laid the foundation for the modern world.
China's Golden Age
This is a timeline of the history of China’s Golden Age from 618 to 1279. The Tang and Song dynasties were periods of significant economic and cultural progress that lasted for more than 600 years and together are considered as China's Golden Age.
Julius Caesar
This is a timeline of events in the life of Julius Caesar, a powerful general and ambitious politician of the Roman Republic. He was known for his military conquests and declared himself 'Dictator for life' before his brutal murder in 44 BCE.
Christopher Columbus
This is a timeline of the life of the Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus. An admiral, and navigator, he set sail westwards from Spain in 1492 with the aim of arriving in the Far East, but instead, landed in the Americas, then unknown to Europeans. Seen as a hero and pioneer by some, by others he is seen as someone whose arrival brought suffering to people living in the Americas.
Alexander the Great
This is a timeline of the life of Alexander the Great, one of the most successful military generals in ancient history. He became king of Macedon at the age of 20 and went on to create the largest empire ever assembled at that point in history, which included parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and stretched from Greece to northern India.
Ancient Greece
This is a timeline of the history of Ancient Greece, the first great civilization in Europe. During its high point, the Greeks made advancements in science, philosophy, literature and democracy.
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant change in human history that began in Britain in the 1700s and lasted for two centuries. It was marked by the rise of machines and manufacturing, which transformed the way people lived and worked, and led to the widespread adoption of new technologies and innovations.
The Reformation
The Reformation was a 16th and 17th century movement challenging the Catholic Church in Europe. Led by Martin Luther, it sparked the rise of Protestantism and led to religious conflicts across Europe. It ended with a series of treaties in 1648, however the consequences of the reformation were devastating for the population of Europe.
Martin Luther King Jr
Martin Luther King Jr, an influential activist and Christian minister, led the Civil Rights Movement to fight for the rights of African Americans through the 1950s and 60s. He believed in non-violent protest and his work helped to tear down racial segregation and inspire generations of activists seeking Civil Rights and a more equal society.
African Kingdoms
This is a timeline of the rise and fall of Africa's once powerful kingdoms. Built on trade in resources such as gold, ivory, and salt, as well as enslaved people, these kingdoms were ultimately conquered by European nations in the Scramble for Africa in the 19th century, with only Liberia and Ethiopia remaining independent.
Che Guevara
This is a timeline of events in the life of revolutionary leader, Che Guevara, from 1928 to 1967. He is remembered for his role in the Cuban Revolution and his strong opposition to U.S influence in developing nations.
The Vikings
This is a timeline of the history of the Vikings, from 793 to 1066. Fierce warriors and raiders, the Viking people they left their homelands in Denmark, Sweden and Norway to invade new territories across Europe.
The Crusades
This is a timeline of the battles and events of The Crusades, from 1095 to 1291. A series of military expeditions in which European Christians sought to retake the Holy Land of Jerusalem from Muslim control.
Race to The Moon
This is a timeline of the key events in the Space Race between the USA and the USSR during the Cold War. Beginning in 1947, the US and the Soviet Union began to develop technology in order to explore space, and in 1969, the US lands the first astronaut on the moon.
French Revolution
This is a timeline of the French Revolution and its aftermath, from 1789 to 1799. It saw ordinary working people rise up against corrupt rulers in the name of liberty, equality and fraternity. After one-thousand years of royal rule, a new republic was formed – but how long would it last?
The 1920s
This is a timeline of the Roaring Twenties - a decade of unrivaled optimism and plenty, as many Americans – flush with cash – luxuriated in new sights, sounds and ways of life. But all came to an end as the economic boom turned to bust.
Joseph Stalin
This is a timeline of the life of Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union. Shaped by revolutionary forces, he rose through the ranks of the Communist Party to become one of the world's most powerful leaders. He led USSR through the horrors of the Second World War, fighting on the side of the Allies in the defeat of Germany.
Benito Mussolini
From a strong-willed and impetuous child, to the founder of one of the most violent political parties, Italian Fascist leader Benito Musollini took his country to war – and paid the ultimate price. This is a timeline of his life.
Adolf Hitler
This is a timeline of the life of one of the most divisive leaders in history. Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s racist and aggressive policies brought the world to the brink of destruction. His opportunistic rise to power, acts as a warning to us all.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
This is a timeline of the life of American president, Franklin Roosevelt, from 1882 to 1945. His confident Presidential leadership style allowed him to guide the country through one of its most turbulent periods and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Michinomiya Hirohito
This is a timeline of the remarkable life of Michinomiya Hirohito, Japan's longest-serving Emperor. Born into privilege, and thrust into power aged just 25, his decision to surrender in 1945 marked the end of World War II.
Winston Churchill
One of the finest leaders of his generation, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s inspirational speeches – and steadfast self-confidence – helped rouse a nation to war and ultimately save the world from the destructive forces of Fascism.
Nelson Mandela
This is a timeline of the life of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black head of state. A tireless and dedicated activist, committed to bringing Apartheid to an end, made him one of the world’s most beloved leaders.
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
In 1953, Edmund Hillary, a beekeeper from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay, a guide from the Sherpa community, achieved what was once thought impossible: climbing the highest mountain in the world. This is a timeline of the first successful ascent of Everest.
Mary Seacole
This is a timeline of the life of Jamaica-born nurse Mary Seacole. Dedicating her life to caring for the sick, she was known as “Mother Seacole” by those she tended during the Crimean War.
Olaudah Equiano
This is a timeline of abolitionist Olaudah Equiano who was kidnapped and enslaved as a child. Buying his freedom aged 21, he dedicated his life to abolishing slavery and his famous autobiography heavily influenced public support advocating the end of slavery.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
This is a timeline of the life of the first African American woman to qualify as a doctor, Rebecca Lee Crumpler. Crumpler dedicated her life to treating women and children who lived in poverty, and her book, Medical Discourses, helped others to care for themselves.
Emily Dickinson
This is a timeline of the life of one of the United States’ most innovative and unique poets, Emily Dickinson. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, she was a private and introverted woman. Her extraordinary poetry was only published following her death.
Louis Pasteur
This is a timeline of one of the most important scientists in the history of microbiology. Pasteur’s relentless pursuit of knowledge, and groundbreaking research into the causes of disease, helped change our world forever.
The Telegraph
Tapping out the world’s first long-distance electrical messages, the telegraph emerged as a groundbreaking invention that sparked a communication revolution and forever transformed global connectivity.
The Rocket
From ancient Chinese fireworks to the visionary breakthroughs of scientists like Robert Goddard and Wernher von Braun, the remarkable evolution of rockets had an extraordinary impact on space exploration and propelled humanity towards the stars.
Navigational Novelties
From ancient cave carvings to modern satellite technology, the remarkable progression of navigation tools revolutionised exploration, enabling sailors to navigate uncharted waters and unlock the secrets of the world.
The Car
This is the story of the four-wheeled wonder, tracing its inception as a steam-powered marvel in 1769 to the groundbreaking innovations that redefined transportation.
The Phonograph
The phonograph – the first machine ever to record and playback sound - revolutionised the way we experience music, paving the way for revolutionary formats like compact cassettes, CDs and the convenience of digital music.
The Airplane
From the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers to the advancements in jet engines and space exploration, aviation reshaped the world, revolutionising global connectivity and bringing people closer together.
The Caravel
The caravel was a new kind of sailing ship that harnessed the power of the wind to dominate the seas. From its invention by Prince Henry of Portugal to Christopher Columbus' historic voyage across the Atlantic, invention of caravel revolutionised exploration, opened up new horizons, and forever changed the course of world history.
The Helicopter
It took many attempts to get a helicopter into the air, but once it got there, air travel was transformed forever. Let’s explore the evolution of the flying machine that left planes in the dust.
The Printing Press
Invented by German publisher Johannes Gutenberg in 1450, the Printing Press triggered a reading revolution that put new ideas and information in the hands of ordinary people, not just the wealthy few.
The Electric Motor
From the groundbreaking discoveries of Hans Ørsted and the visionary contributions of Nikola Tesla, invention of the electric motor transformed the world, propelling us into an era of powerful machines, sustainable transportation, and the electrification of our daily lives.
The Elevator
From steam-powered lifts to Elisha Graves Otis' groundbreaking safety hoist in the 1850s, the invention of electric elevators revolutionized vertical mobility, giving rise to soaring skyscrapers and reshaping city skylines.
The Steam Engine
The steam engine was the driving force behind the machines that powered the Industrial Revolution. But it took some experimentation to get it just right. Let’s take a look at how it works and how it changed the world.
The Steam Locomotive
Far faster and stronger than horsepower, steam locomotives triggered a transportation revolution that sped people and goods across the globe. Buckle up as we learn more about how it was created and how it changed the world.
The Microprocessor
From the ingenious invention of integrated circuits to the revolutionary Intel 4004 microprocessor, this remarkable technological wonder, which serves as the brains behind our computers and devices, revolutionised the way we live and interact with technology.
The Computer
From enormous engines – to tiny devices that fit inside phones, the invention of the computers revolutionised almost every part of modern life in some way - our workplaces, our homes and even our social lives.
Greta Thunberg
This is a timeline of the life of Greta Thunberg and her rise as a global climate activist. Swedish activist Greta Thunberg's lone school strike for the climate in 2018 evolved into a worldwide movement, inspiring millions to take action against global warming and demanding immediate change from world leaders.
The US Frontier
This is a timeline of US expansion from 1739 to 1869, as explorers, settlers, and fortune seekers pushed westward in search of land and riches. From the first European expedition to the Rocky Mountains to the completion of the transcontinental railroad, the westward expansion shaped the history and interactions with Native American communities.
Aircraft and Aviation
This is a timeline of the evolution of aircraft and aviation, from the early experiments with hot air balloons in 1783 to the advancements of modern-day aviation. From the Wright Brothers' historic flight in 1903 to the development of jet engines, supersonic passenger jets, and unmanned drones, aviation continues to push the boundaries of innovation and shape the way we travel and explore the skies.
Emmeline Pankhurst
This is a timeline of Emmeline Pankhurst’s life, from her birth in 1858 to her death in 1928. A suffragette and leader of the Women's Social and Political Union, she fought tirelessly for women's right to vote, leaving a lasting impact on the pursuit of gender equality.
The Wheel
One of the most significant inventions ever conceived - the wheel - revolutionised the world through its profound impact on travel, trade, and machinery. Originating from rudimentary stone wheels to the emergence of sleeker and swifter designs, it remains an unstoppable force that propels our modern world forward.
The Radio
From the discovery of radio waves by Heinrich Hertz to the groundbreaking moment when Reginald Fessenden made the first voice radio broadcast, radio transformed communication, entertainment, and even played a crucial role in historical events like the Titanic disaster.
The Television
It’s the marvellous machine that brings the world into your living room. From fuzzy pictures to high-definition images, watching television has kept us informed and entertained for decades.
The Telephone
From Alexander Graham Bell's invention to the evolution of mobile phones and smartphones, invention of the telephone had a revolutionary impact on communication worldwide, connecting people across long distances and becoming the most widely used communication device on Earth.
The Camera
Today, taking photographs has never been easier. But it took a lot of hardwork and experimentation to get to where we are today. Let’s explore how the camera has evolved through time.
World War I: Part One
This is a timeline of the first half of World War I, from 1882 to 1916, as alliances form, assassinations spark conflicts, and trench warfare becomes the norm. From the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the brutal warfare on the Western Front, this war becomes a deadly struggle that shapes the course of history.
John Logie Baird
This is a timeline of Scottish engineer and inventor John Logie Baird’s life, from 1888 to 1946. From his early experiments in transmitting moving images to the development of color and three-dimensional television, Baird's groundbreaking innovations revolutionized the entertainment and technology landscape, shaping our world today.
The Pacific War
This is a timeline of the Pacific War, a significant conflict that took place from 1941 to 1945. It involved the United States and its Allies battling against Japan in the Pacific region, ultimately leading to Japan's surrender and the end of World War II.
World War I: Part Two
This is a timeline of events during the second half of World War I, from 1916 to 1919. From the devastating Battle of the Somme to the introduction of U-boats and the eventual signing of the Treaty of Versailles, this period witnesses significant battles, shifting alliances, and the profound impact of the war on nations and their people.
The Vietnam War
This is a timeline of the causes and outcomes of the Vietnam War, which lasted from 1945 to 1975. From the declaration of independence by Ho Chi Minh and the division of Vietnam to the US involvement and the eventual fall of Saigon, the war left a devastating impact on the country and its people.
The Korean War
This is a timeline of the Korean War, a conflict that erupted in the 1950s between North and South Korea. The war saw the involvement of international powers, including the United States, China, and the Soviet Union, and resulted in a stalemate and the division of the Korean peninsula into two separate countries.
The Soviet Union
This is a timeline of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, from 1905 to 1991. From the revolution in 1917 to the dissolution in 1991, the Soviet Union emerged as the world's first communist state under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin and later Joseph Stalin, but internal struggles, economic challenges, and demands for independence led to its eventual disbandment.
The 1930s
This is a timeline of the 1930s, a decade marked by immense challenges and hardships, from the Great Depression to World War II. The 1930s had a huge impact on nations and families as millions struggled to adapt to changing circumstances. It ended with the world to the brink of destruction.
Marie Curie
This is a timeline of scientist Marie Curie’s remarkable life and career, from 1867 to 1934. At a time when women faced numerous barriers, Marie Curie defied the odds and revolutionized science with her pioneering research on radioactivity, becoming the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
Harriet Tubman
This is a timeline of the life of Harriet Tubman, one of the United States’ bravest and most outspoken abolitionists. During the course of her career, she rescued almost 700 Black men, women and children and went on to champion women’s suffrage.
Isaac Newton
This is a timeline of the life of English mathematician and scientist Isaac Newton, a key figure in the Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries. Most famous for his theory of gravity, his work on the laws of motion changed our world forever.
The Greenhouse Effect
Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, deflecting the fiercest of the Sun’s rays while retaining heat that would otherwise escape at night. This is known as the greenhouse effect and it’s a process that’s essential to life on Earth.
Burning the Forests
Trees and forests are known as the lungs of the Earth – because they absorb and store carbon. But when they’re burned or cut down, the C02 they release contributes to global warming.
Human Impact
By monitoring changes in C02 levels over thousands of years, scientists know that Earth’s temperature is rising. The biggest cause of global warming? Our reliance on harmful fossil fuels.
Adding to the Problem
Deforestation and the use of fossil fuels are not the only human activities causing climate change. Other aspects of modern life are adding to the problem by producing greenhouse gases, like methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. Let’s examine where they come from.
Heatwaves caused by periods of extreme hot or dry weather are becoming more frequent across our planet. While some regions are able to cope with their devastating effects, others struggle to survive.
Warming Oceans
Since the 1970s, our oceans have absorbed 90% of the excess heat produced by CO2 emissions. As our oceans get hotter, and sea levels continue to rise, our world is sure to look very different in the future.
Our Carbon Culture
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Coal fuelled the Industrial Revolution but has also had a devastating impact on people and the natural environment. Let’s dig a little deeper into our use of coal.
The Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle is the process by which carbon is constantly absorbed, stored and recycled by living and non-living things, thereby maintaining the delicate balance that supports all life on Earth.
Fossil Fuels: Part Two
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Oil and gas are hydrocarbons that have helped fuel our modern way of living, but burning them has a devastating impact on the natural world.
Fossil Fuels: Part One
For centuries, humans have relied on fossil fuels to power our world. Coal fuelled the Industrial Revolution but also had a devastating impact on people and the natural environment. Let’s dig a little deeper into our use of coal.
Light bulb
From Humphry Davy's first electric light in 1809 to modern LED technology, light bulbs have evolved to provide an efficient, safe and effective way to light up the world.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German priest who believed that the Roman Catholic Church had become corrupt. When he published his complaints, they spread all over Europe, and split Christianity in two.
Explore how telescopes evolved from Hans Lippershey's first design to today's advanced space observatories, revealing the universe's mysteries.
Flushing Toilet
Discover how flushing toilets evolved from ancient sanitation practices to advanced designs that dramatically improved public health and hygiene.
Discover how the invention of ARPANET evolved into today's internet, revolutionizing global communication and access to information.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte proved himself as a young army officer in the French Revolution. He soon became the Emperor of France, and in just eight years, conquered nearly all of Europe. However, he suffered a disastrous defeat invading Russia in 1812 and only a few years later, he finally met his match at the Battle of Waterloo and was sent into exile permanently where he died in 1821.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev became President of the USSR in 1988, at a time when the nation’s economy was in a mess. He brought in reforms, and opened up talks with the West - bringing about a lot more change than he planned for.
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and forged the largest connected empire in history, marked by military brilliance, religious tolerance, and significant cultural contributions.
First Art
From the Sulawesi cave drawings in Indonesia to the Lion Man of Hohlenstein Stadel in Germany, ancient art, dating back up to 40,000 years, showcases early human creativity and its role in education and decoration.
Caesar Takes Rome
Julius Caesar, a formidable general and politician, crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BCE, defying the Roman Senate and setting in motion events that ended the Republic and led to his dictatorship.
Abolishing Apartheid
Starting in 1948, apartheid imposed severe racial segregation in South Africa. Black South Africans, led by groups like the ANC and figures like Nelson Mandela, protested through the decades, leading to the system's end and Mandela's presidency in 1994.
First Tools
Discover how early humans handcrafted tools from rock and flint, and used fire to overcome the challenges of the prehistoric world, marking the beginnings of technology.
Franz Ferdinand Assasinated
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, in 1914, ignited the first global war. The conflict reshaped nations and cost millions of lives.
Aztecs and Incas Defeated
In the 15th and 16th centuries, Spanish conquistadors, armed with advanced weapons and driven by tales of riches, overthrew the mighty Aztec and Inca civilizations, reshaping the Americas forever.
The Siege of Vienna
In 1529, Suleiman the Magnificent's failed siege of Vienna marked a turning point for the Ottoman Empire, revealing its limitations and foreshadowing its slow decline.
The Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings took place in England in 1066. Ending in victory for William of Normandy, this monumental conflict reshaped the course of English history.
Newton's Law of Motion
Isaac Newton revolutionized science with his laws of motion, explaining forces like gravity and how these forces effect the movement of bodies or objects. In doing so, he laid the foundation for technological advances like space travel.
Building The Great Wall
Built over centuries, the Great Wall of China was a monumental effort to protect and unite the ancient Chinese empire.
The First Skyscraper
Architect William Le Baron Jenney's design for the Home Insurance Building in 1885 was inspired by the strength of a birdcage, and was the first of its kind. He pioneered the construction of skyscrapers which transformed urban landscapes forever.
The Long March
The Long March was a crucial 12-month trek across harsh Chinese terrain by the Red Army, pivotal in securing Mao Zedong’s leadership and shaping communist China.
Independent India
Independent India emerged from British colonial rule which began with the East India Company in 1757. Mahatma Gandhi's peaceful protests catalyzed the independence movement in the 1920s. Post-World War II, divergent aspirations led to the 1947 partition into Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan, triggering massive migrations and significant violence.
Tasman's Voyages
Abel Tasman, a Dutch explorer, charted unknown territories in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the discovery of Tasmania and parts of the Australian coast in the 17th century.
The Fall of Constantinople
The Ottoman siege of Constantinople, and the city’s subsequent fall, forever altered the geopolitical landscape of Europe and beyond.
The Silk Road
The Silk Road, established around 130 BCE, was a crucial ancient trade network connecting East to West. It enabled the exchange of commodities, such as silk, alongside ideas and cultural practices between empires.
Born as a Frankish prince in a fragmented Europe, Charlemagne unified France and served as the Pope’s protector - gaining the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt is known as being the longest serving First Lady in all of American history. She spent her life working to further social causes, from women voting to universal human rights.
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud transformed the way we think of the human mind. In his work as a doctor, who studied the mind, he invented the idea of the subconscious and tried to unlock the mysteries of dreams.
Aristotle’s way of describing the world changed the way we think and reason. He wrote about everything from biology to politics and the universe - applying a system of logic and observation which laid the groundwork for modern science.
Confucius was a philosopher in ancient China who taught that the powerful needed to rule with virtue. He put his ideas into practice - changing the way the government was run, and eventually founding a religion called Confucianism.
Alfred Nobel
Alfred Nobel invented a better way to blow things up and became a successful industrialist. But he believed in peace and progress, and so he set up the world’s most important awards for achievement to humankind.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is known as the father of modern physics. As a young man, he spent his time thinking about the nature of space and time. When he published his ideas, they changed the world - and gave us a whole new view of the universe!
Marco Polo
Marco Polo left his home as a young man in 1271, setting off on a voyage that took him to the heart of the Chinese Empire, and through many Asian countries. The book he wrote about his travels influenced Europeans' understanding of the world.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was a master navigator who was convinced he could find a quicker route to Asia. His crossing of the Atlantic Ocean changed the world forever - but he didn’t find what he expected…
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a writer who dreamed of a classless society. After he died, his work became widely shared as a political ideology called communism - and directly influenced the Russian Revolution.