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Professional Development
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Creativity in the Workplace
Six experts across multiple industries explain the benefits of being creative in your thinking and output along with how it is a universal skill essential for any job.
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Positive Behaviour Management Strategies for Online Teaching
Here are three positive management behavior techniques that you should use in your online classes.
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Google Drive & Docs: The Explore Tool
John explains the powerful Explore Tool you can use within your Google Docs to improve your content within your document. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Storyteller in Chief
Aimed at school leaders, find out some practical ways to talk about your school in a compelling way to parents, the community and other stakeholders.
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Communication in the Workplace
Our ability to communicate effectively affects all aspects of our lives, here are industry experts outline why great communication makes you an ideal candidate for the modern workplace.
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How to Build a Professional Learning Network
Educators can build out your professional learning network on social media platforms like Twitter.
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How to Make Communities of Practice Work
Educator Marissa Aroy explains what are the elements that make communities of practice work, what is a good COP, and why teachers should join them.
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Kahoot! in the Classroom
Using Kahoot! and other quiz tools to bring interactivity and fun to the classroom
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Media Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom
Educators , discover how media literacy can be taught/learned within all social studies classes.
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How to Teach Collaboration Skills
Outlining how Educators can introduce and integrate Collaboration throughout their teaching practice regardless of subject.
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Questioning Techniques for Talking About Media
All educators ask questions of their students, but are they asking the right ones? The truth is, when it comes to teaching, questions are as important as answers, especially when the media is the subject. Knowing the best way to discuss and ask questions about the media, is a key skill for every social studies teacher.
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Giving and Receiving Feedback
Transforming theory into real world situations can make students better collaborators.
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Technology Integrator
Integrating technology into the classroom should be intentional, where educators critically examine available tools to match them with meaningful learning objectives. Find out ways you can integrate technology into your classroom in an effective way.
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Google Drive & Docs: Accessing Google Drive
John explains how to access your G Suite for education Drive, how to use Google Drive and some of the special features. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Google Q&A: How is G-Suite Going To Save Me Time?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Series Promo
This series of 15 bite size videos will explain how you can get the most out of your students by harnessing their passion, as well as taking your teaching to the next level by bringing media into your social studies class.
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The Alternative Uses Test
Sometimes, creativity requires divergent thinking. Train your brain to think creatively by taking the Alternative Uses Test.
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Using Data to Enhance Instruction
Data helps to inform teaching and address areas that may require reinforcement or intervention. Classroom data is much more than just test scores. Find out all the different types of data we can collect in the classroom and learn strategies on how to use data to enhance instruction.
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How to Plan and Facilitate Brainstorming Online
Viewers will learn why and how they can facilitate brainstorming in online learning environments. Presented by Educator and Emmy award winner, Marissa Aroy.
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What Is Critical Thinking?
Outlining why Critical Thinking is essential for all areas of modern life, what it means and why it is so important.
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Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are free, adaptable, and often editable teaching materials that can support teachers in planning for their lessons. Learn about the pros and cons of OERs whether you are new to using them or have plenty of experience already.
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How to Create Instructional Videos to Reduce Cognitive Load
Learn how to create instructional videos using the principles of cognitive load theory of multimedia to reduce the cognitive load and to aid retention and learning. Presented by Educator Tara Walsh.
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Gig Economy
Working for yourself on short-term contracts happens across the globe. It’s important to teach students how this works and what the life of a ‘freelancer’ entails.
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Google Docs in the Classroom
Using GSuite for Education and Google Docs and how they can be used to support collaboration in the classroom
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How to Use Universal Design for Learning to Design Curriculum
Use the UDL framework to create lessons that are going to reduce, minimise or eradicate any potential learning barriers that students might encounter.
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How can robotics help us? Understand this area of computer science and how to introduce it to your students.
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How Having Good Social Skills Helps You Collaborate
Fostering good social and working relationships is essential to be an effective collaborator; this animation explains how to achieve this in a real world scenario.
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Hospitable Climate for Learning
Aimed at school leaders, learn about the importance of nurturing a hospitable school climate, how to assess and develop one in a school.
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Best Practice use of Media When Teaching Geography
Renee Shaw introduces educators who share their tips and tricks for successfully using media in their social studies classes when teaching geography.
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Virtual Reality in the Classroom
The uses of virtual reality within the classroom and how to use VR to immerse students in learning.
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Equitable + Culturally Responsive Schools
Aimed at school leaders, discover some practical tips on how to create an equitable and culturally responsive school or district.
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How To Search For Jobs
Knowing where to start a job search can be daunting but this video provides tips and tricks on where to look and why
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Making Social Studies Relevant To Digital Natives
Educators, learn about how post millennials engage with media and how, by embracing the use of media in social studies classes, can be a useful tool to motivate and engage students in their learning.
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Ana Lopez - 1st-Grade Elementary Teacher
Ana Lopez is a 1st-grade teacher who led a full immersion class in Spanish at Carolina Forest International Elementary school, in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Find out why she loved teaching the SDGs as she explains a project with her class focused on teaching about the effects of plastic in the environment.
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Google Drive & Docs: Formatting a Google Doc
John walks us through how to format your Google Doc to transform the look and feel of your document. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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The Elevator Problem
Are you a vertical thinker or a lateral one? Solve the Elevator Problem to find out.
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Helping Students Find Balance When Learning Goes Online
It's really important for students to be able to manage their technology use, simply because it's a pressing conversation that often comes up.
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Teaching Controversial Issues: Why Do It?
Teaching controversial issues will help your students navigate controversy and differences so that they can become better collaborators, communicators and active members of society.
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Using Warmer Questions to Increase Student Engagement Online
One of the core strategies to engage students in online learning is to start with a warm up question. Have a question waiting for them that gets them talking.
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Talk the Talk: Communicating with Stakeholders
When teaching controversial issues, it’s key that you communicate and prepare parents or administrators about what you’re planning to do in order to avoid conflict and complaints.
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What Teachers Need to Know About Cognition
The three main things you need to know about cognition to help with blended and online learning. Switch context to improve student attention.
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Be Open Minded
Being open to new ideas and experiences helps you think critically about the world around you.
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Using Interactive Video to Improve Student Engagement Online
One of the core engagement strategies for online learning is interactivity in videos. The job's not merely done by creating the video, you have to make it interactive and get students to apply that information.
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Best Practice use of Media When Teaching Economics
Educators share their tips and tricks for successfully using media in their social studies classes when teaching economics.
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Continually documenting classroom work and interactions should be an essential and integral part of a teacher's strategy. Find out ways on how to build the habit of making it part of day-to-day teaching.
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Using Media to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Students love curating, creating and consuming media, so how can you use it, over and above more traditional teaching methods, to develop critical thinking skills and turn your students into better critical thinkers?
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How to Create Presentations to Reduce Cognitive Load
Viewers will learn how to create engaging presentations using the principles of cognitive load theory of multimedia to reduce cognitive load and to aid retention and learning. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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How to Incorporate Peer Feedback Online
Peer feedback provides students opportunities to learn from each other. Educator Marissa Aroy explains why and how to incorporate peer feedback in online teaching and learning.
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Jesus Sanchez - 4th Grade Teacher
Jesus Sanchez is a 4th-grade teacher from Colombia who believes that teaching the global goals encourages students to develop sensitivity and empathy when confronting global issues. He has "ignited the light of curiosity" and "a torch of passion" for his students to take action through an action-driven learning environment. Find out about how he implements the SDGs into his classroom.
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Using Video Feedback for Formative Assessment Online
Using blended learning to save time and provide feedback via video rather than traditional mark-up of documents.
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Building Your Own Community of Practice
Communities are crucial in supporting teachers in their professional practice and wellbeing. It enables teachers to receive constructive feedback, peer-learning opportunities, and fostering positive relationships with the wider community. Here are some strategies to help build your own community of practice.
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Casey Collins - Music Teacher
Using music to teach the SDGs might not be the first idea in most teachers' minds, but Casey Collins shows us how she used the Civil Rights movement as a theme to teach about social justice as a Global Goal. Find out how she implemented student-led projects to achieve this goal.
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Bring the World to You
Teachers can use appropriate educational technology to connect with other classrooms around the world. This raises students' global awareness and stimulates their interests and engagement in learning. Discover some strategies on how to use technology to connect classrooms across schools, districts, and borders.
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How to Use Social Presence Cues in Your Online Teaching
Research has found that using social presence cues increase students' motivation and can improve learning in both blended and online learning environments.
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The Importance of Mindset in Online Teaching
It's important to have the right mindset to develop and succeed in blended and online learning environments. Cultivate a mindset that ensures success in this new way of educating students.
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Using Multimedia and Open Education Resources
Finding and using multimedia and open educational resources can transform your teaching and very importantly, save you precious preparation time.
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Learning Experience Designer
When lesson planning, educators need to think backwards to design an effective learning experience. Explore key design principles and learn about the importance of flexibility and formative assessments when designing impactful learning experiences.
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Google Q&A: What Are Your Top Tips for Migrating Onto G-Suite?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Sophia Gourney - High School Teacher
Learn about Sophia Gourney's experience in bringing the SDGs into her classroom. Sophia is a high school teacher from Ireland. She believes in getting students moving and stepping outside the classroom to witness real-life examples of global issues, such as an Israeli-Palestinian art project.
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Podcasting in the Classroom
How teachers and students can use podcasts in the classroom to enhance learning.
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Google Forms: Creating Your First Form
Ben walks us through how to get started with Google Forms and how to create your first form.
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Jhonatan Mesa - Elementary Teacher
Jhonatan Mesa, a teacher from Colombia, discusses his experience of introducing SDGs into his classroom. He shares insights into how he implemented global goals 3 and 12 through a tower garden project. He also reflects on ways to further improve this teaching approach through developing additional 21st-century skills.
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Google Sites: Creating Your First Google Site
Ben walks us through how to create a new Google Site and add content into your new Google Site.
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Global Integration
Aimed at school leaders, pick up some practical tips on how to support teachers in empowering their students' learning by integrating global issues into their daily curriculum.
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Lauren Dobbin - 3rd Grade Teacher
'There are always people out there that are willing to help, and if the internet and books are not your best resources, people in your community will be.'. Learn about how Laura Dobbins, a 3rd-grade teacher in North Carolina, introduces challenging topics into her classroom and how she creates eye-opening experiences for her students to learn about new cultures.
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Jhonatan Marin Mesa
Learn about Jhonatan Marin Mesa's experience with Participate, a teacher from Medellin, Colombia, who spent a few years in the U.S. teaching at a kindergarten. Find out his challenges in terms of language and being the first male teacher.
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Teacher Podcast | Creativity
An Educator explains the importance of Thinking Creatively and the benefits it can have for your students and school.
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Building Relationships with your Students Online
My top tips for educators to build relationships with students in a blended and online teaching environment is to connect with the student's limbic brain. This is their emotional and memory control center.
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Preparing for Teaching Classes Online
Educators need to be role models to prepare students for online classes. It's difficult being on camera, but it's important we try it ourselves.
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How Analysing Arguments Helps You Think Critically
Being able to understand and reflect on differing points of view makes you a better critical thinker; mastering this skill helps you daily such as buying items online.
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Google Q&A: How can I Help my Students Collaborate?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Class Stories
Telling stories plays an important role in helping educators connect and learn from other professionals, as well as peer-to-peer learning between students. Learn strategies to tell engaging stories in your classroom and empower students to do the same.
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Adapting your Face to Face Pedagogy for Teaching Online.
Transfer and modify many of the strategies used for student engagement in a face to face classroom across to an online learning environment, either synchronous or asynchronous.
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Google Sites: Adding External Content
Ben explains how to add content from an external site into your Google Site and how different content can be added to your Site in different ways.
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Asset Mapping Our Communities
Aimed at school leaders, find out practical ways to engage with and form partnerships within the community.
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Wendy Guerras - Kindergarten Teacher
'As teachers, we are the ones that can make a change but if we just focus on teaching, it is not our job. There's more, it's deeper.'. This is the story of a kindergarten teacher, Wendy Guerras, who teaches in a Spanish dual immersion program. She discusses how she brings the SDGs into her classroom using virtual field trips and shares her professional objectives as a teacher.
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When Learning Goes Online
In the year 2020 learning changed forever, initially Teachers had to learn on the fly, with very few having the pedagogical training in how to teach effectively online. Hybrid Learning is now here to stay, find out how to implement the best practices in your online classes today.
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Classroom Manager
Classroom management is something that many educators struggle with as it requires tremendous amounts of planning to create a positive classroom culture. Find out some practical ways to establish consistent classroom norms and manage challenging behaviours on a day to day basis.
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Formative Assessment
Effective learning design should incorporate formative assessment as a tool to evaluate and measure learning. Learn about strategies in designing formative assessments and incorporating them into your classroom.
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Google Sites: Adding Docs and Slides from Google Drive
Ben explains how to embed a Google Doc or Google Slide you have created from your Google Drive into your Google Site.
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Google Forms: Collecting Responses in a Spreadsheet
Ben walks us through how to take all the data from your Form and put it all into a Google Sheet.
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Facing the Challenge of Inclusivity in Online Teaching
Discover how to cultivate an inclusive pedagogy which is focused on including all students and learning.
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Google Q&A: How can I use G-Suite to Support 21st Century Skills?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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What Kind of School do Global Citizens Need?
Aimed at school leaders explore the concept of a global school, and the important role leadership and vision play in creating a learning environment that fosters future global citizens.
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Student Collaboration and Group Work Online
Try randomly grouping your students to get them collaborating with with one another in ways that they may not normally do.
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How to Keep Students Engaged in Online Classes
To keep students engaged during live lessons, we need to flip things. We need to get the students going off and working independently to actually be accountable and manage their work before coming back and sharing their progress.
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Google Q&A: How Might I Use G-Suite For Education?
John Neale and Ben Rouse sit down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Promo for Teaching Online Masterclass Series 2
Welcome to TOM, the 'Teaching Online Masterclass', Series 2 - a free video course designed to help educators adapt quickly to online teaching. Based on academic research, the series is packed full of practical tips and guidance. TOM will help teachers understand the difference between teaching in a classroom and in a virtual environment, and implementing strategies of best practice online.
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Google Drive & Docs: Searching a Google Doc
John explains the helpful tools within Google Docs that you can use to quickly navigate through your documents. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Is Universal Design for Learning Effective?
Learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), whether it's an effective framework when learning goes online and the practical application of UDL for online learning environments. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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Google Forms: Checking Your Form is Ready
Ben talks about the different settings you should check through before sending off your from for others to fill out.
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Google Forms: Managing Responses
Ben explains how to view all the responses from your Form and how to turn off responses for when you've finished collecting all your data.
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Elements of Effective Online Courses
When designing a unit of work or curriculum for online learning courses, what should K-12 educators think about? Effective courses incorporate intentional design that involves careful planning, clear expectations and concrete deadlines with some flexibility.
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Google Forms: Sending Your Google Form
Ben explains how to share your Google Form and the different options and ways to send your form to someone for them to fill it out.
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What is Collaboration?
Explaining what Collaborative Skills are and how they are vital for a 21st Century Citizen.
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We all want to speed up processes and free-up time. Teach your students how they can use automation at home, at work and in the classroom.
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How to Increase Student Learning
Learn how to create online learning experiences to engage learners by understanding what motivates them; and how educators can enhance teaching and learning in online learning environments. Presented by Educator and Emmy Award winner Marissa Aroy.
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Google Q&A: How does G-Suite Differ From Anything I May Have Used Before?
John Neale and Ben Rouse sit down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Google Sheets: Live Data in Docs and Sheets
Ben walks us through a step by step of how to add data from your Google Sheet into a report in Google Docs using charts and the Explore tool.
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Joyce Montero
Joyce Marin is a teacher from Costa Rica who taught middle school with the Participate program. She discusses her memorable experience highlighting some of the key cultural differences as well as similarities.
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Using Film to Document
Watching video is a useful way to enhance learning, but empowering students to document themselves using video is even more impactful. Here are some strategies on how to use video to document and reflect on what goes on in their classroom.
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Asha McMilan - Kindergarten Teacher
Hear about Asha McMilan's experience of using a service project to teach the No Poverty and Zero Hunger SDGs. Asha believes through inspiring her students, drives passion, advocacy, and ultimately change in society, regardless of their age.
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Google Sheets: Exploring Your Data
Ben talks about all the different formulas you can use in a spreadsheet and how to use the Explore tool in your Google Sheets to quickly add those formulas to your spreadsheet.
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Bringing Social Studies to Life With Social Media
Educators, discover how and why you should incorporate social media into your social studies classes. Learn how it’s an effective tool, how to safely implement it in classes and how to use social media sites to enhance curriculum and student involvement.
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Multimedia Cognitive Load Theory for Teachers
One of the core cognitive strategies that is really important is called 'Multimedia Cognitive Load Theory'. This theory could inform your teaching to produce better results.
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Google Q&A: I Love the Idea of G-Suite but how do I Make the Case to my Principal?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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How to Develop Your Online Teacher Presence
Viewers will learn about the important role teacher presence has in motivating and engaging learners, and learn ways to increase teacher presence when learning goes online. Presented by Marissa Aroy, Educator and Emmy Award winner.
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Instructional Leadership
Aimed at school leaders, learn what it means to be an instructional leader, how to set a school-wide instructional language, and how to offer feedback to improve and sustain instruction.
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Google Sheets: Upload and Excel Spreadsheet to Google Drive
Ben explains how to upload an Excel spreadsheet to your Google Drive and what settings to turn on to allow Google Drive to convert your Excel spreadsheet into a Google Sheet.
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Priorities for Teacher Professional Development
If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the education community anything, it's that many teachers in schools lack the knowhow and resources they need to support online learning. But it's sure to play a bigger role in the years to come.
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Rebus Puzzles
Rebus puzzles are a great way to exercise your problem solving and to critical thinking skills. Try these rebus puzzles to level-up your approach to critical thinking.
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How to Teach Communication Skills
Helping you to get your students communicating effectively within the classroom and the world beyond.
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Augmented Realty and Virtual Reality
Augmented Realty and Virtual Reality offers students to engage with new, exciting technology. How can you do this in your classroom?
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Global Schools for Global Citizenship
Aimed at superintendents, learn practical ways to support students to become global citizen in times of civic change.
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How to Increase Your Students' Autonomy in Online Teaching
Learn why educators should increase a student’s autonomy and agency and how to facilitate and promote it in online learning environments. Presented by Educator and Emmy Award winner Marissa Aroy.
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Scary Topics
There are many controversial and 'scary' topics that some teachers may choose to avoid in order to minimize the risks. However, there are strategies that teachers can adopt to introduce and discuss these topics by making them more digestible and manageable in the classroom. Here are some practical ways to talk about scary, complicated or controversial topics in the classroom.
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Visual Literacy
The ability to critically process and interpret images in an ever-increasingly visual society should be a top priority 21st-century education. Learn about the importance of visual literacy and develop strategies to bring visual literacy into the classroom.
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Using the Buddy System in Online Teaching
A great strategy for students to submit work on time and to really put in the effort is through a Buddy System, where students can support and engage with one another to empower each other to create meaningful work that goes beyond a tick box exercise.
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How to use Reflective Practices in Online Classes
Reflecting on one's actions unlocks our ability to engage in a process of continuous learning. Viewers will learn how to, and why teachers should use reflective practice in online teaching and learning. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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Three Tips for Making Online Teaching a Success
Making online and blended learning a success, is an opportunity to experience and grow with your students. Learn together in this new educational space and create an exciting holistic learning experience.
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How to Teach Creativity Skills
No longer reserved for the Arts, Creativity is an essential skill to master for any subject, this episode explains how Educators can explore Creativity within their classroom.
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Open Educational Resources
Learn about the different types of open tools and resources that are available to educators and the things to look for when looking for resources - particularly media online.
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Characteristics for Success in Online Learning
What characteristics do successful K-12 students exhibit in online learning environments?
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How Can I Set a Vision of Success for All Students?
Aimed at school leaders, discover steps to take in order to develop and define a school vision that aligns teachers and students to fulfill high academic standards and success.
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YouTube in the Classroom
Ideas and tips for using YouTube and video as a teaching tool in the classroom.
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How is Online Teaching Different?
Teaching online is markedly different from teaching face to face, but don't worry. Even if you have begun using blended or flipped classes or if it's all new, this series will guide you through how to extract the most from an online learning environment for both you and your students.
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Mobile First
Mobile Apps are changing our lives. How can we integrate this technology into our daily routines and education?
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Preparing Students for Success in Online Teaching and Learning
When making the change to blended and online classes, educators need to be increasingly conscious of the importance of the human elements and develop opportunities to break out into small groups, to talk and collaborate.
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How Ideation Helps You Think Creatively
Following the process of ideation helps you think creatively about any situation and expand on any concept.
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How Having Good Listening Skills Helps Communicate
It's not just how you relay information but also how you absorb and process it that makes you a better communicator, this animated episode provides an example of the process in action.
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Colleen Cooney - High School Teacher
Be inspired by the Fair Trade project that Colleen Cooney started in her class that eventually spread through the entire school and eventually the town. Colleen used a case study of Uganda to compare sustainable living standards with Ireland. She also introduced the habit of composting that eventually spread throughout the entire school.
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How to Use Peer Competition in your Online Teaching
Social strategies that focus on peer competition for esteem and entrepreneurial studies.
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Paola Contreras
Hear about Paola Contreras's teaching experience in the U.S. as she discusses the cultural differences with her home country, Colombia. One of her key observations and learnings is the way to differentiate and cater to a variety of learner needs.
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How to use Retrieval Practice in Online Classes
Viewers will learn why, and how to use retrieval practice in online teaching and learning; recalling information forces us to pull our knowledge “out” and examine what we know. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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The Cloud
The cloud is more than a white fluffy thing in the sky, it delivers everything we consume over the internet. It allows us to collaborate across the education horizon, a tool worth having excellent comprehension in.
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Recruitment Process: Importance of Perseverance
Andrew O'Toole, who works in Customer Operations at P&O Ferries, talks about the importance of perseverance when searching for a new job
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How to Choose Video for the Classroom
With over 800 Million videos on Youtube alone, choosing the right educational content for your students can be daunting. Learn about what to look for when choosing videos that aid learning and retention.
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Leading a Dual Language School
Aimed at school leaders, explore what dual language learning is, how dual language learning enhances a students cognitive abilities and how school leaders can champion dual language learning in their classroom.
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Teacher Reflection
We expect students to self-reflect so as educators, we should model that process. Find out some strategies on how to build reflection into classes and the wider school community.
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Parent - Teacher Strategies for Online Learning
Educators can support families and digitally immersed learning environments in a variety of ways.
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Google Forms: Response Validation
Ben explains how to use response validation in your Google Form so that you can change the type of information respondents can input to answer the questions in your form.
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What is a Community of Practice in Education?
A community of practice has three essential components; domain, community and practice. These are needed to build collaboration.
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How To Layout Your CV
Most employers require job applicants to provide a Curriculum Vitae, or CV, as part of their application and this video features tips and tricks on how to make yours stand out from the crowd
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Understand Email Etiquette
With over 124 Billion business emails sent and received each day, this animated episode highlights ways to make sure the emails you send are received and understood properly.
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Hosting and Supporting Culture Exchange Teachers
Aimed at superintendents, develop a greater understanding of what a cultural exchange teacher is and gain practical advice on how to best offer them with support.
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What is blockchain and how is it important for industry and daily living? Introduce your students to this ever changing technology within the Business Studies classroom.
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Three Things to Know About Behaviour for Blended and Online Learning
Here are three things about behavior you need to know for blended and online learning. Now thing number one is this. We cannot multitask no human being can, it's not a skill issue. It's a hardware issue in the brain.
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Internet of Things
50 billion devices are connected to the internet, many of them in our schools. But how can integrate information technology into our classroom?
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Google Sites: Why Google Sites
Ben Rouse talks about Google Sites and all the uses of Google Sites that are perfect for educators.
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Google Sheets: Linking Sheets
Ben explains how to link your Google Sheets together so that information from multiple sheets can be collated together in one Google Sheet.
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Set Up Your Space
Classroom spaces has to adapt to today's learners' needs. Setting up the space mindfully can create a positive classroom culture that encourages collaboration, creativity, and engagement. Here are a few ways to get the most out of classroom spaces.
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Google Sheets: Share a Sheet
Ben walks us through how to share your Google Sheet with other teachers or students, to allow you to work collaboratively on a spreadsheet.
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Joyce Montero - Middle School Teacher
Discover how Joyce Montero, a 7th and 8th-grade teacher used Global Goal 6 to raise her students' awareness on water sanitation around the world. She used student-led projects that are focused on real-life community needs to engage and stimulate her student's interest in the subject.
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How To Identify Your Best Assets
Every job seeker is unique, including you! Learn how to identify the things that make you the perfect employee
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Spread the Fire
Action-driven learning should also apply to teachers by sharing and showcasing different approaches to instructional practice. Building a collaborative network with other teachers can provide moral support and also inspire students. Find out ways to spread the fire and build an action-driven learning environment.
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Enhancing Social Studies Classes Using Podcasts
Educators, learn how and why you should use podcasts in your social studies classrooms. Learn how to evaluate podcasts for classroom use and how to use them to motivate and engage those you teach.
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Google Sites: Maintaining a Google Site
Ben talks about how to keep up with maintaining your site, his top tips for editing your site and how you can see who has been viewing your site.
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Google Drive & Docs: Sharing Options for Google Docs
John talks us through how to share a Google Doc and the different sharing permissions and options you can give to your Google Doc when sharing it with a collaborator. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Paola Contreras - Elementary Teacher
Hear about Paola Contreras's experience teaching the SDGs at her school. She gives advice for teachers who are introducing SDGs in the classroom for the first time and shares an example of the project on water sanitation she did in her class.
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Communities of Practice Versus Professional Learning Networks
How to build out a professional learning network during the course of your teaching career.
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Google Sheets: Sorting, Filtering and Formatting
Ben explains how to sort, filter and format in your Google Sheets so that you are able to find information you need in a easily viewable way.
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Google Sheets: Why Google Sheets
Ben Rouse talks about Google Sheets and how it's features are great for Schools and Teachers.
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Frameworks for Selecting Technology for Online Teaching
Frameworks to choose the right technology, whether it be one element of your ecosystem or to evaluate your ecosystem as a whole, and the learning experience from utilizing that technology.
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Google Sites: Adding Collaborators to Your Space
Ben explains how to share your Google Site with collaborators and how to work collaboratively on your Google Site.
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Understand Multiple Perspectives
Taking a step back and evaluating a situation from multiple perspectives grants you the ability to make an objective judgement, this animation provides examples on how to achieve this.
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What is Communication?
Defining and explaining what Communication is in relation to the Four C's of 21st Century Learning.
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Choosing the Right Technology for Online Teaching
What you need to keep in mind if you're choosing technology for your school or learning organization.
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What Does a Global Leader Do?
Aimed at school leaders, find out why effective global leaders have vision and purpose, distribute their leadership and are strategic thinkers.
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Best Practice for Teaching Live Online Classes
When teaching live classes, ensure you're comfortable; a good chair with back support, ensuring your eyes are level with the screen you are looking at.
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Funnel Question Technique
The Funnel Question Technique can help teach what the best questions are to ask and when. This in turn can help you make you a better communicator and collaborator.
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Katie Gourlay - Participate Teacher of the Year 2018
Discover how Participate teacher of the year, Katie Gourlay, started teaching the SDGs in her 3rd-grade class with only one Global Goal in mind, but later found the link with many of the other Global Goals. Katie's inspirational project offers an insight into the best practice in bringing the SDGs into the classroom.
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Understanding Body Language
Being able to read other people's body language makes working as a team more successful, this animated video explains how to achieve this.
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Micro Expressions
Micro expressions are the involuntary faces we make as an outward expression of an emotion. Learn how to read those expressions and what they mean for your next business meeting or high stakes card game.
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Growth Industries
Interview with Lee Panglea head of Scotland and Ireland CIPD which is a professional body for HR practitioners discussing growing industries and key skills needed for the future.
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Engaging Communication in Instructional Videos
Educators will find these tips and tricks essential to make online videos as engaging as possible.
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Brainstorming on Your Own
Brainstorming is great technique for creative problem solving. If you have no one to brainstorm with, learn how to do it on your own with Mind Maps!
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Building A Professional Learning Network
There are many benefits to being part of a professional learning network, from sharing ideas and strategies to getting feedback and moral support from fellow teachers. Learn about strategies and tips on how to build a useful professional network.
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Google Sites: Google Embeds in Google Site
Ben explains how you can take your embedding further by embedding information and content from other sites such as Google Maps and YouTube.
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Google Sheets: Creating Your First Google Sheet
Ben walks us through how to create your first Google Sheet and explains some of tools that can help you create your spreadsheet quickly and easily.
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How do I Engage Parents and Community as Partners?
Aimed at school leaders, explore the importance of fostering strong connections with parents and other community assets. Find out how to engage parents and community partners to further the school's vision.
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How To Craft A Cover Letter
A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the crowd in a busy, competitive job market – this video features tips and tricks on how to craft yours
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Media Literacy
The ability to critically evaluate the accuracy, transparency, and impartial nature of media sources has become a vital 21st-century skill. This video gives educators strategies on how to build media literacy in the classroom.
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Teacher Podcast | Critical Thinking
We hear from an International Educator on how she gets her students to think critically and its importance.
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Google Q&A: Data Isn't Stored at School. Isn't That a Problem?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Be More Creative with Lateral Thinking
Use lateral thinking to approach a problem in a new and unusual way. This helps demonstrate how positive distractions and creative methods can solve problems or innovate dynamically.
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TOM Course Trailer
Welcome to TOM Teaching Online Masterclass, a video course designed to help educators adapt quickly to online teaching.
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Improve Your Concentration
The ability to focus on a task, drown out background noise and distractions will not only improve your concentration but make you a better thinker and collaborator too.
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Collaboration in the Workplace
Few jobs involve working alone, our experts discuss how important collaboration is for you to make an effective and successful workplace and career.
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Case Study: The Universal Design for Learning in Action
When using UDL for the first time educators need to consider whether their lesson is accessible to all learners in the classroom and if it is, what to do to make it even more so.
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How Divergent Thinking Can Help You Be Creative
Have you ever tried answering a question with more questions? That is divergent thinking in a nutshell and it can make you more creative.
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Finding Balance When Teaching Goes Online
It is important to manage your technology use because we rely on it all the time.
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Critical Thinking in the Workplace
With the information overload of the 21st Century it has never been more important to think and work critically, our experts discuss how they utilise this skill in their careers.
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Is Technology Dangerous to our Mental Health?
Parents and educators are concerned about young people's mental wellbeing, but it's not as bad as we think.
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Adapting Resources
Learning resources might sometimes be inappropriate for a certain age, learning abilities, cultures, or grade levels. Rather than reinventing the wheel, consider adapting it to fit the needs of your students. Here are some practical advices on how to adapt resources to use in every classroom.
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Essentials for Online Teacher Communication
Discover strategies to help overcome pitfalls of communicating with students online. Don't overlook the essential motive for communication, which is to build trust and relationships.
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What is the Universal Design for Learning?
UDL is a way of educating which many teachers do naturally without knowing it. Understand the basic principles of UDL to help you unlock the potential to plan and implement teaching more effectively.
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Crispr: Gene Editing
Gene editing can eradicate diseases in both humans, animals and horticulture. It can also develop new sustainable green energy and boost career opportunities.
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How to Plan and Facilitate Discussions in Online Classes
Viewers will learn how and why online discussions should be used in K-12 online learning. Understand what effective discussions strategies are, learn tips and tricks on how to successfully facilitate these with your students. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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Teacher as the Facilitator in Online Teaching
Even more than the physical classroom, online and blended learning environments require educators to shift into the role of a facilitator. This means they are talking less, listening more and view themselves as guides to students' personal learning.
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Preparing for Blended Teaching
Get students ready for blended classes by weaving online blended tasks into the tapestry we build throughout the year so that students acquire the fundamental digital and independent skills that will make them incredibly employable.
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How to Plan and Facilitate Online Problem-Based Learning Tasks
Viewers will learn how problem based learning approaches can positively affect educational outcomes. Also learn how to design problem based learning tasks for online learning that enhances student outcomes. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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Google Sites: Publishing a Google Site
Ben walks us through the different steps to take before publishing your Google Site and how to publish and make your site live to users.
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3D Printing
Get the lowdown on 3D printing - How it helps us today and the endless possibilities it can bring. As educators, how can we use 3D printing in the classroom and what can our students learn from this growing technology?
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Ana Lopez - Elementary Teacher
Discover how the Participate program enabled Ana Lopez, a 1st-grade teacher from Colombia, to experience a different culture of education in the United States. She shares her thoughts on the challenges she experienced and how she used the Global Goals as a tool to build an inquiry-based learning experience.
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Google Sites: Adding and Arranging Pages in Google Sites
Ben walks us through how to add additional pages into our Google Site, the different options you can add and the best practices for arranging your pages.
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Google Drive & Docs: Create Your First Google Doc
John walks us through how to create our first Google Doc, use the different features and the best practices for making the most of Google Docs. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Inquiry Based Learning with Digital Media
Educators, learn how to plan and facilitate inquiry based learning approaches with digital media & technologies in the social studies classroom.
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How to Use Socratic Circles in Your Online Teaching
Using a Socratic circle or a student led discussion to build social skills. An inner circle that discusses a topic and an outer circle analyzes and assesses the discussion that takes place.
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Take it from Us: Advice from Teachers
Teaching difficult topics will always come with curveballs from students or stakeholders but with preparation and practice, it will get easier.
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Teaching Social Studies in Online, Blended and Flipped Classrooms
Discover evidenced based practical approaches to teaching and learning in social studies classes in online, blended and flipped classrooms.
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How to Promote Student-To-Student Interactions in Online Classes
Educators talking to a group of students on mute will only get you so far. Viewers will learn how and why educators can promote student to student interactions in online classes. Presented by Educator Kwame Daniels.
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Recognising Patterns
Recognising patterns is instinctively in us and part of our daily lives. To harness it fully will help you to critically think better.
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Is Online Teaching Effective?
Recent studies confirm that online learning is effective in the K-12 education space. Both the International Association for K12 Online Learning and the World Economic Forum agree and here's what the research says.
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Feedback and Assessment in Online Teaching
Think about how important feedback and assessment are to the learning process and educators can integrate technology into the process such as how it can support an immediate feedback mechanism.
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How Young People Relate to Media
Educator Tara Walsh shares research on how post-millenials engage with media, and how by embracing the use of media in online classes, teachers can harness it to engage students in their learning.
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How to Make Live Online Classes More Inclusive
To make sure that online classes are more inclusive, educators need to provide differentiation for students.
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How to Engage, Retain and Entertain with Instructional Video
Being able to engage, retain and also entertain are three pillars that make a great video. Interactivity is a great way to engage your learners.
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Best Practice use of Media When Teaching Civics
Educators share their tips and tricks for successfully using media in their social studies classes when teaching civics.
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The Subject Line Pitch
Employers get mounds of emails a day. Make yours stand out with the perfect subject line pitch.
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How to Teach Critical Thinking Skills
Exploring how Educators can get their students to think critically about how to discern information, sources and the world around them.
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Enhancing Accessibility with Instructional Video
Discover strategies that increase accessibility through instructional videos, which will give you the flexibility of online learning and a blended approach.
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Google Drive & Docs: Voice Typing
John walks us through how to use the Voice Typing Tool to create documents quickly and the different commands you can use while Voice Typing. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Gaming in the Classroom
How gaming and video games can be used by teachers in the classroom and other education settings.
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Google Drive & Docs: Creating Your First Shared Google Drive Folder
John walks us through how to create a shared folder within Google Drive and the different permissions you can give these folders and your collaborators. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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iMovie in the Classroom
How to use iMovie and other video editing tools in the classroom.
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How Can I Distribute Leadership to Others?
Aimed at school leaders, find out how leaders can distribute leadership to those they lead, as this can create a global atmosphere, empower staff members and promote innovation and initiatives.
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How To Spring Clean Your Social Media
Learn how to tidy up your social media to impress employers and improve your prospects in the job market
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Craft Clear Messages
How changing your language to suit the situation is paramount to crafting clear messages.
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Educator Podcast | Collaboration
First hand account of how an Educator is already teaching the Collaborative skillset with their students and the methods used to achieve it
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Segmenting in Online Teaching
Segmenting is the chunking of information, allowing learners to engage with smaller pieces of information, as well as to give them control of the flow of information.
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Cassandra Bradford - Visual Arts Teacher
Find out how visual arts teacher, Cassandra Bradford, stumbled upon teaching the SDGs by accident. Since her discovery, the SDGs have completely transformed the way she plans her lessons, units, and semesters, giving an overarching theme that gives students individual pathways to achieving their learning objectives.
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Adapting your Teaching Techniques for Online Classes
Good classroom instruction requires planning and this is also true for online teaching.
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Google Drive & Docs: Managing Shared Docs
John explains the best practices for managing shared documents between staff members and how to quickly change the permissions on your shared documents. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Adapting Non-Educational Tech For Education
Technology that is not designed or built for education can be creatively adapted for the classroom. Find out some strategies on how to adapt and use non-educational technology in the classroom.
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Google Q&A: How can G-Suite Help Prepare Students for the Real World ?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Creating Videos in Social Studies Classes
Educators, discover how and why you should incorporate the production of video into social studies classes, and how your students can make a real impact in the world around them by using these skills to become citizen journalists.
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Ava-Gaye Blackford - 2nd Grade Dual Language Teacher
Find out how 2nd-grade teacher, Ava-Gaye Blackford, conducted a project that incorporated four of the Global Goals that focused on reducing food waste and eating more healthily. She also gives tips on how to implement the SDGs into any classroom.
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The Teacher’s Playbook: Effective Strategies
Using effective strategies when discussing contentious subjects will help you maintain control in the classroom. Choosing which strategy is best depends on your goals.
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Resilience in Personal Use of Tech
Using technology in the classroom can be intimidating and overwhelming, but when done correctly, it can amplify learning outcomes. As with any technology, things can go wrong but it is important to learn ways to build resilience around the use of technology.
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Multimedia Cognitive Load Theory
Discover more about the multimedia cognitive load theory, and how to apply the principles to create presentations and instructional videos that can reduce cognitive load to better convey ideas and aid learning.
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How to Create a Well Structured Instructional Video
Recent developments have meant big changes in video production. The industry has had to adapt and so can you!
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Are you a Good Listener?
Ed Cunningham once said, "Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer." Learn techniques to help you become a good listener.
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Google Q&A: What are Schools Doing When Inspectors Ask to See The Books?
Ben Rouse sits down with us and answer some of the most frequently asked questions that teachers and educators have about G Suite.
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Why Google Drive?
John Neale explains Google Docs and Google Drive, how they are built and perfectly tailored for collaborative working.
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How to Give Feedback when Teaching Online
Viewers will learn why feedback is important when learning goes online. Learn ways to do this, thus guiding students towards positive learning outcomes. Presented by Educator and Emmy Award winner Marissa Aroy.
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Google Forms: Using Sections
Ben talks about how to split up a large form by using sections and how you can use respondents answers to send them to different sections of your form.
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Google Forms: Make Your Form Self-Marking Quiz
Ben walks us through how to create a Google Form that is a quiz and how to make your quiz self-marking.
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Ava-Gaye Blackford
Hear about Ava-Gaye Blackford's experience as a Jamaican teacher who spent some time teaching in the USA. She discusses the cultural differences observed in the classroom as well as in everyday life. She shares her most memorable moment during her teaching experience with Participate.
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Google Forms: Add Ons
Ben shows us some of the third party add ons that you can add onto your Google Forms.
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What is Cognitive Load Theory of Multimedia?
During learning, information is held in your working memory until it has been processed to pass into your long-term memory. This is Cognitive Load Theory; learn about the cognitive load theory of multimedia and understand its importance in online teaching and learning. Presented by Educator Tara Walsh.
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What is Creativity?
Creativity can fall under a myriad of genres and industries, but the key fundamentals are the same, this episode explains what being creative actually means.
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Visualising Content for Memorable Online Teaching
For an educator to create memorable online teaching, it's all about the ability to capture a message and create a story around either photographs, video, or some sort of iconography.
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Educator Emotional Well-Being in Online Teaching
Preparing for and hosting online learning can be a very intense experience. Teach in a blended and online learning environment while taking care of your own emotional wellbeing and mental health.
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Google Forms: Why Google Forms
Ben Rouse talks about Google Forms and how it is a great starting point for Teachers and Schools using Google for Education G Suite.
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How to Teach to Connect Online
Educator Tara Walsh explains techniques on how to create a community online which in turn fosters a sense of connection in online classes.
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Questioning Basic Assumptions
Questioning basic assumptions helps us to see things from multiple perspectives - first impressions aren't always correct!
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How to Create Inclusive Online & Blended Classes
Create inclusive, online and blended classes which allow for multiple means of representation, expression and engagement. Help to identify if you want technology to help differentiate, personalise or individualise the learning.
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Three Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement Online
The behavioral strategies that really focus on the student choice factor. Being able to give a student an opportunity to go above and beyond by figuring out what medium most inspires them.
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Best Practice use of Media When Teaching History
Renee Shaw hears from Educators who share their tips and tricks for successfully using media in their social studies classes when teaching history.
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Data from mobile devices in towns and cities can improve travel, pollution and education. Allow students to think for themselves on how technology can improve their neighborhood.
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Big Data
Smart technology creates huge amounts of data each day, how can we process this to improve our lives?
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Skills On Your Doorstep
As a young person, finding a route into your chosen career isn’t always easy. Not all schools offer classes your interested in; but sometimes, the skills that you need to succeed in the workplace can be learned closer to home.
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How to Use Universal Design for Learning to Build Online Learning Activities
Consider how to use technology and UDL to amplify pedagogical practices that encourage student engagement through demonstrations of learning.
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Google Drive & Docs: Organising Google Drive
John walks us through the different ways you can organise your Google Drive so that they are easier and neater to navigate through. Full of detailed information delivered clearly and concisely with insight, real world applications and and top tips, this is a great way to ensure you are making the most of Google Docs.
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Using Universal Design for Learning Across the Curriculum
Educators need to consider whether their assessments and assignments are reflective of the learning targets and success criteria that they've set up for students.
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Relaxation for Public Speaking
Public speaking can be a terrifying. Learn how to calm your nerves before you take to the stage.
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Artificial Intelligence
AI is changing our lives, and machines will become even more intelligent. Discuss in your classroom if it is ethically right to keep developing this technology.
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Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Fostering a positive and collaborative parent-teacher relationship is key to the education of students. Find out practical examples of how to effectively collaborate with parents and families.
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Using Retrieval Practice to Improve Online Teaching
Ask students to provide as much information they can remember from the last week or months' learning on a piece of paper.
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Google Sites: Themes
Ben talks about how to change the style and look of your Google Site and the different themes that Google Sites already has for you to use and customise.
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Top Tips for Teaching Online & Blended Classes
Educators can design learning and assessment tasks that support learners' choice, so all students can demonstrate their abilities.
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Industries across the globe use drones. Although controversial, how can we use drones in education, and what opportunities can they give students for their future careers?
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Educator Podcast | Communication
Communicating effectively is necessary for a successful work and social life, an Educator takes you through the process of creating good communication in your classroom.
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How to Increase the Production Value of your Instructional Videos
At home we don't have access to studio grade lights, camera, and sound equipment, but there are small things that we can do to make our videos look and sound better.
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Google Sheets: Exploring Charts with Google Sheets
Ben explains how to add charts into your Google Sheets using the information already in the spreadsheet with the Explore tool.
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Deciding to Decide: Sharing Your Views with Students
When sharing your view with your students, do you step back? Or do you offer your personal opinion? Whatever approach you decide to get your students engaged is the best way forward.
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How to use Think-Pair-Share in your Online Teaching
The simple strategy to develop social skills in the class known as 'Think, Pair, Share'.
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How to Use Universal Design for Learning to Design Lessons
UDL should be used to design online learning activities because teachers need to create environments where all students feel seen, heard and valued.
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Implicit Bias
Every person has their own implicit biases. These are the beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that are influenced by the world we interact with. Learn about practical strategies on how to check and prevent implicit bias, both for the teacher and students.
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Kimm Murfitt - IB Co-ordinator
Find out how Kimm Murfitt, IB Coordinator at Winkler Middle school used the concept of Blessing Bags to implement the teaching of the SDGs. She believes that collaborations and partnerships in the local community are key to enabling teachers to bring the SDGs into the classroom.
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Google Sheets: Add ons in Google Sheets
Ben explains how to add some third party add ons, available to Google Sheets to make sheets even smarter and faster.
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